Well, it's happened: Science has crossed the rubicon and is no longer Science as we knew it back in the Seventies.
Back then Science was... Science. No corporate or financial funding pressures, Science was done on an altruistic basis. It was for the benefit of humanity. Funding was done not on the basis of profit, or return on investment, or what those funding the science could get out of it.
Then in the Eighties and Nineties, return on investment became ever more important. Pharmaceuticals in particular defunded research in compounds that didn't have promise and a lucrative application down the pipeline.
Environmental scientists started to speak of Armageddon in order to stoke up pressure for funding. At the end of the seventies we had tales of impending ice ages. By the Nineties, that had changed to tales of runaway global warming. Fear was a great tool to use to stoke up funding for research into largely unprovable theories of impending doom decades further down the line, when the funding couldn't be clawed back if the science was found to be flawed.
Now epidemiology has caught the fear bug. We are being told that we have to shield in place to avoid contact with a virus that has a 99.9% survival rate in healthy people under the age of 60.
Er, isn't that just like the "normal" 'flu? Well, essentially, yes.
So, why are we buying in millions of doses of vaccine to vaccinate people against a virus they would survive?
Why are we not doing as we do with the normal flu and only vaccinating those that have underlying health problems and therefore are in the 0.1% of people under 60 that are at risk of dying from the bug, along with those over 60 that are at greater risk?
Again, fear is driving the process, as scientists stoke it up and justify their salaries and funding. But wher is the science. I mean, the actual, objective, unswayed by money science?
I can't see much of it anywhere, least of all in those so-called scientists that are advising the government to wast money vaccinating people that need not be vaccinated, stopping people from working that need not be stopped, preventing people from socialising that need not be stopped.
Either the Wuhan Flu is just another Corona virus and will do what viruses do normally, the majority of the people will get it and not be affected.
Or, there is something in it Governments and scientists across the world aren't telling us. We need to know, because without knowing what that "it" is, their fears and subsequent knee-jerk reactions make no sense.
Either treat it like normal 'flu and let the majority of people get on with their lives, or come clean on what is special about Covid-19 that requires nay, mandates that everyone be vaccinated.
It seems now that there are reports by the News agencies that even though we get vaccinated, the virus will still live on in our nasal passage.
Er, yep, that's not news. A multitude of viruses live in our nasal passages after we have beaten them off. They need to be infecting us to make us infectious. If we have had the virus and we are no longer spewing out viral particles they are not harmful to us, nor are they harmful to others. Normally.
Unless there is (as I said above) that there is something special about COVID-19 that surpasses all the previously known virologic and epidemiologic science.
But we need to know the truth to be able to make an informed decision and especially to understand government policy, which at the moment appears random and incomprehensible.