Friday 22 January 2021

USA: My Predictions for the Near Future.

 I've already said that 2016 was supposed to be Hillary Clinton's year, that she was such a despised character that even Democrats couldn't stomach voting for her.

So, Trump won in 2016, an aberration in a long line of corporate frontmen. 

The establishment had to do something in 2020, and they did, engineering a win for Biden with such audacity that it was bloody obvious there were shenanigans going on. Right from the get-go, from the primaries all the way up to the actual election, there were..... let's be charitable and call them "issues" with the electoral process.

Now Biden is in power, I expect to see the US slip slowly into the darkest of nights. I do not see sunny uplands for the US under a Biden Presidency.

The first action the establishment will take, is to ensure that Trump cannot set off on his own and create a new party. They will neutralise him as a political opponent. If they can't do it by a direct assault, i.e. impeachment, then they will go after his family.

Once Trump is neutralised, then the left will move on to neutralise Conservatives. Those that assaulted the Capitol Building will be made examples of. They will get massive show trial sentences. I suspect the "Domestic Terrorism" charge will be thrown at the poor unfortunates. "Pour Encourager Les Autres."

I also predict there will be examples of protesters clearly identified in pictures inside the Capitol Building not being prosecuted. They will be the Agent's Provocateur. (lot's of French words today!). They will be the people stirring up the storming of the Capitol, but they will not be conservatives and they will not be prosecuted, even after being identified and outed by Alt Media.

Once those examples have been made, then the establishment will go on to silence the majority.

Conservative voices will be removed from Social Media. Alternative platforms will be removed from the internet.

I predict a China-style firewall installed, "to protect US citizens from Russian interference". 

I also predict that the use of Virtual Private Networks will start to be attacked. Either to regulate them, or to take them away from the ordinary citizen. People will have the ability to see outside the firewall removed.

At that point, the establishment in the US will have complete control over the media and the narrative within US borders. You will not be able to see or hear dissenting voices.

That's the point that the US will slip into the Night politically. It will become a Soviet Socialist State. 

Then the Farms will be attacked. I'm sure entrepreneurs will be attacked or co-opted, forced to praise the state, or work for/with the state. 

Remember, Fascism doesn't always come from the Right. The Italian corporatist Fascism of Mussolini started out as Socialist in nature, then co-opted corporations into working for the state. The state became everything, everything became for and of the state. 

The globalist/corporatist movement we have rolling over the world at the moment is just more of the same just on a grander scale, everything will be for the global good. Corporations have already been co-opted to join the global warming effort, they have already been forced to pander to the BLM movement. 

Once you learn the lesson of history, what is happening in the US politically, the control of voices by the corporations, the use of Antifa thugs to promote pro-corporate protests and assault anti-corporate ones, the take over of media, the silencing of dissent on social media, then you understand we have seen this before in the Thirties.

This is not the National Socialist Fascism of Hitler and the Nazis, so the uneducated cannot identify it as Fascism. In fact those promoting it will show Nazism and say this is nothing like us. 

But Fascism comes in many forms. Not "just" Nazis. 

COVID-19: NHS Death Cult.

 I've mentioned the wife is a care manager before. She's currently dealing with a Covid outbreak at one of the homes she manages.  The virus has spread despite workers wearing full PPE. Thankfully only the workers have been affected, none of the residents have shown signs. Until now.

Similar stories are going round the care community that this new variant of the virus gets round all the usual protection (masks, face shields, aprons and gloves). 

Certainly it seems a magnitude more transmissable. The jury is out on whether it is getting through masks, or it's transmitted by a small slip-up in PPE protocol. At the wife's home, because the staff and none of the residents are affected, then it does lend credence to the slip up in PPE protocol theory, or that the virus spreads past masks when being in close proximity for long periods.

Obviously the wife is stuggling to cover staffing with the majority of staff off. The two ladies left working in the home have stepped up and worked long hours to cover. That's how care workers do things because they care.

However, it's the treatment of people in care by the NHS that I want to concentrate on here.

With an outbreak amongst the staff, everyone at the home is wary of the residents coming down with covid. Being learning disability there isn't the option to test them like a normal person would be, so it's a case of monitoring symptoms and reporting back.

Yesterday one of her residents had a temperature and started with a cough. All the protocols were followed, the resident was already isolated because of the staff outbreak. So the residents GP was called.

The immediate reaction of the GP was to get the home to call 999 and get the resident taken to hospital. No test, no confirmation of covid, just scoop them up and dump them in the plague ward. If they didn't have covid, you can bet within hours they would.

So, they dutifully called 999 and the first response of the ambulance service was for the home to confirm the resident had a DNAR form. A Do Not Attempt Resuscitation Form. That tells you what the priorities of the NHS are.

So, attempting to get the resident some care, rather than an NHS death sentence, the home rang 111 to get a more balanced opinion. The response was why did the home go against the GP's instructions? 

So, it seems there is an agenda in the NHS to just assume covid, scoop the patient up and dump them on a covid ward. Where if they didn't have covid before, they will certainly contract it.

It's fucking shit. This pandemic has shown the worst of the NHS. Rather than save lives, they would rather condemn people to death. 

Don't get me started on the lack of care for cancer patients. Patients with advanced tumours that are not getting the treatment that could possibly save their lives.

The NHS has become a death cult. 

To me it looks like the switch has flipped. This is now the establishment killing people off. With the new Police fines, it's the establishment against the people.

There will be a reckoning.

Thursday 21 January 2021

COVID-19: British Government Declare War on The People.

 So now the government is to instruct the Police to issue fines (starting at £800) to anyone attending an "illegal" gathering of more than 15 people in a house.

Now, I bet that's not going to be abused, eh?

Basically the Government is putting the Police up against the population. 

There is no consent, no consultation, no public opinion. It is Policing by diktat: "This is how it's going down scumbags!"

Well, Fuck You Boris. Fuck You Priti Patel, Fuck you Robot Hammond.

You will not be getting my vote in the next election.

If there is no viable alternative I can give my vote to, I will abstain and will just refuse to vote, in protest.

This has gone way too far.

Wednesday 20 January 2021

USA: Watch The farms

 So, Biden has become President of the USA. Make no mistake this is an old-style Presidency, with the corporations once again asserting dominance.

Trump was a disruptor, a circuit breaker, an aberration amongst a litany of corporate frontmen.

Biden is a step further along the road to corporate authoritarianism.  It's well known the corporations want control of farming. the last big push in that direction was the GM crop fight. Corporations selling modified seed to farms that locked them into contracts and prevented them from growing out their own seed.

Now with a leftist leaning President in charge and an even further left Vice President, I'm convinced the corporations, backed by the Government will go after the farms of the USA directly. It's happened in every newly-far-left "Socialist" country, because the farms are free, they are not reliant on the state. From Zimbabwe, to South Africa, to Venezuela. The farms are a target for the state (Government and Corporations combined) . 

The farms of the last bastion of freedom, of self-sufficiency. They cannot be bent to the state's will easily. 

When the state tries to control the farms, then you will know the measure of the Biden administration, the nature of the corporatist state the Biden Presidency may have unleashed.

Not just in the USA, it seems members of the global elites are buying up farms globally. To what ends? 

I'm sure the like of Bill Gates thinks they are modernising third world farming to help the world, but all it does is hand agriculture over to the big corporations and their global controls. Converting smallholdings into huge mega-farms, using corporate fertilisers, corporate GMO seeds, creating huge profits and controlling (ergo increasing) food costs around the world.