So, today is teh day: Theresa May unviels her plan for Britain's future.
We get to see if the Brexit she was talking about when it meant Brexit was actually the Brexit everyone else was thinking about. Yes, it's that confusing.
The Brexit she was talking about may not be hard Brexit. It may not even be soft Brexit. It may have been some completely random Brexit including puppies and unicors for all we know.
Many bloggers have said that if it's not a hard Brexit, then she was lying when she said "Brexit means Brexit". But only Theresa may knows what flavour of Brexit she was referring to in that statement. Because she had not made it clear beforehand what her version of Brexit actually was.
The P&U Brexit could well have been her preferred option, who knows.
But... we will find out later today what the negotiated form Brexit will take.
Then it's up to us to like it or not.
I suspect the majority of ordinary voters will be displeased. I'm also sure the elite will be happy in the fudge that has been negotiated.
My take is that we will stay in the in the customs union for a hefty fee, we will also be subject to rulings from the ECJ without representation in the European Parliament (so called regulatory alignment). Finally we will not be able to negotiate our own trade deals for at least two years.
The worst of all worlds indeed.
Is that a good deal? Not for the man in the street it isn't. Huge tariffs on imports means that we pay huge sums to the EU so do not get the Brexit dividend and have no immediate benefit in cheap imports from the far east.
Hard Brexit looks like the only option then.
Just as with David Cameron's visits and pleading to the EU before the referendum we've been told "tough", the EU will not change. We gave the elite the chance to reform it from inside for over a decade. It hasn't happened and the lack of a decent and fair deal means the EU is incapable of changing even after one of it's major partners decides to leave.
Staying in is not an option. The EU will not change.
Staying in is not an option. The people voted to leave.
” I'm struggling to understand what has caused this…”
Sometimes you read something that just, well....
A former animal shelter worker who attempted to sell human toes coughed up
by the dog of a dead man has *...
2 hours ago