Okay, let me explain: there have been numerous reports now of how closed the scientific community around man made global warming is. The incestuous relationship between government, NGOs and big corporations is becoming more visible. There's now a realisation that even big oil companies are in on the act, like I mentioned back in December
EUReferendum has done a good job of following the money trail, but to be honest, the whole scam is awash with the stuff: we are talking, in global terms of a trillion-dollar fraud, brought about on the world population.
Why? You may ask.
To make more money and stay making money, thats what. And I mean LOTS of money.
The Oil companies are already firmly linked to commodities traders. Its part and parcel of what they do. For example, if you have a tanker full of billions of litres of oil, if the price of that oil goes up just a fraction on the commodities markets while it is being transported to a refinery, then someone, somewhere gets very, very rich. Just a fraction of a percent increase on the price can fetch a significant return.
But what happens when the Oil runs out? Well, traders trade in carbon instead. You want to use dirty energy fuelled by Oil? You pay extra for it. Aha! The price of the oil just went up by a factor, thanks to some artificial tariff imposed by governments. Kerchingg! More money for the traders!
That Kerchingg feeling of money being made from nothing also extends to governments: they get significant duty and tax revenues from the oil business, so they really coin it in whether its from tax and duty on fuel sold at the pump, tax on the crude oil landed at the port, the tax on corporate profits made by commodities traders, or tax on their wages and bonuses. Don't forget the added scam that they can also fine us for using dirty transport by manipulating the road tax disc. I have yet to understand why what is essentially a permit to drive on the roads (ostensibly to fund the upkeep of those roads) is now linked to CO2 emissions. There is a load more benefits (i.e. your money) that governments rake in thanks to the global warming scam, so its in no way suprising that governments have taken to it like born again evangelists.
Not only that, but if they can shackle emergent countries with paying expensive tariffs for energy in order to produce similar things that they made profits on decades ago using cheap energy, then they'll do it. Not for nothing did China throw it's toys out of the pram in Copenhagen. Not for nothing it is now being decried once again in the western MSM as a pariah. It failed to uphold its end of the bargain and the status quo when it noticed the cost was too high.
Back to the Oil companies for a second: you'd think that they would hate the idea of global warming tariffs, but you're wrong. Extracting Oil is a costly and risky business, with ever-decreasing returns on dwindling yields. So what better than to force people to use a clean alternative like hydrogen, which is so much easier to extract. Even better, they already have a fuel distribution network, so all they really have to do is shut down those costly, polluting refineries and build nice, clean hydrogen production plants instead. It might earn them a few billion in carbon credits in the process.
I can hear you saying, surely someone in the current energy chain would lose out thanks to global warming? Say for instance, the Oil producing countries? Surely they would lose out once the oil is gone? Well, no. To produce hydrogen we still need energy to separate water (for instance) into Hydrogen atoms and Oxygen atoms. Here in the higher lattitudes we could use coal, but that defeats the object. Nuclear is an option, but it has its own unique environmental issues. We could use renewables, but to be honest, the efficiency is poor and despite being "green" creates new environmental issues.
I know, lets use solar power! Great idea! Now then, where is it hot and sunny on a consistent basis all year round? Freakily, that just happens to be the desert countries that sit on top of the oil fields. Is it coincidence then that they aren't purturbed by this huge environmental lobby? Of course not. They can set up huge solar fields in the desert and produce large quantities of electricity, feed it to the coast and use it to split sea water.
So, no matter what anyone says, the man made global warming scam is nothing at all to do with the environment. Its all about money: huge sums of money for all the parties currently invested in the energy industry. Its about maintaining the status quo and if they can manage it, a little bonus on top.
So if big business are the winners (or in effect manoeuvring to stay in the race), who are the losers?
Well, if things pan out the way they are going at the moment: you and me. We'll pay more for our energy. Not because its more expensive to produce (like I said, hydrogen is cheap to make compared to oil), but because we'll have been brainwashed into believing the scam and will gladly pay more for the energy. What you have to ask yourself at that point is: why hasn't the cost of energy come down now we're no longer polluting the planet? I expect we'll be given some guff about how we're paying through the nose for clean energy and if we ever wanted cheap energy we'd have to go back to burning babies or pressing them in huge presses in order to extract the oil from them. Or something just as catastrophic.
The other big losers will be the world's poor. Shackled by western-devised rules, the eastern emerging nations will not have the opportunities our western societies did based on cheap energy when we emerged. Instead their path to glory will be long and drawn out, hideously prolonging the suffering those at the bottom of society, who could be benefitting from a less restrictive trading world. Instead their companies will have shackles of carbon at hand and wrist, holding them back.
Just how deep and how broad does the man made global warming scam go? You literally have no idea. I really believe that no-one can comprehend the scale of this worldwide abomination that we have allowed to fester and grow without question. Hopefully now, we are starting to ask those questions we should have asked a decade or more ago. Hopefully now, the truth will be brought into the light of day. Hopefully now, those people that would have been impoverished by it will be held back no longer.
I hope one day to see those responsible for this travesty punished for the collossal wrong they have wrought on mankind.