Thursday 6 June 2024

More to the Trump Conviction Than Meets the Eye.

 Yes, the Trump trial was a sham, let's all agree on that. Just like all the previous attempts to convict. This one only succeeded because of a biased judge willing to bend the rules and a biased jury. 

What Trump got, in effect was the same sort of treatment the working class get when they come up before judges. Preconceived notions about the character of the defendant and a preconceived notion of what "justice" the judge will mete out.

Which is why millions of people in the U.S. have donated to the Trump cause. Over 250 million dollars so far. 

Not only that, this is again the working class pushing back against the elites. The elites should take this as a message, a really strong message that the working class can see their games for what they are and they should pull back. 

Sadly I doubt the elites in the West will pull back. They will manipulate the situation for their own ends. They will push and push and I now know they do not care if millions if not billions die to further their ends.

It was bad enough with the climate cult: making energy prices extortionate and out of the reach of ordinary citizens. That millions could and will die if things continue. Preventable deaths that could be avoided by a simple change of government policy. Policy that has no effect other than to allow our elites to say how good they are at the dinner table. They can brag about how much their country has reduced it's carbon production, completely ignoring it took the gutting or their countries manufacturing to do it, the loss of lives due to suicide because people no longer have a worthwhile job, the death of people due to extreme poverty and cold. 

The elites look set to bring us to the brink or past the brink of nuclear war. At what point will the proles revolt?

I don't think I'd be able to brag about that, that takes a special kind of sociopath and I'm not up to that level. I have a sense of survival, I live within the law for a reason. The elite sociopaths are playing fast and lose with their own mortality because they think they are protected. Let's face reality: no-one is entirely safe.

Anyway, back to the Trump thing. The working class have spoken, to the tune of 250 million dollars. That's a fuck-ton of money raised by ordinary people sticking up for their champion. The elites ignore the message at their peril. The chances are they won't, because the elites have Billions against the millions raised for Trump.

Whether you support Trump or not, the working class like him, the bourgeoisie hate like him specifically because the proles love him. I speak in the language of revolution because that is what may happen. It's closer than ever now. 

And a message to the elites: don't rely on the Army to save you: those soldiers are the sons and daughters of the proles you wish to eliminate.

Monday 3 June 2024

The Insanity of the Globalist Elites: They Want a Nuclear War.

This is not some conspiracy theory. The Biden government have just given permission for Ukraine to use American-supplied Missiles inside Russian territory. 

If that isn't a provocation, an escalation, a slap in the face for Russia, I don't know what is. 

There are rules that prevent escalations of conventional war and the Biden administration have pushed beyond what most people would consider safe and sane.

Russia already look at the NATO expansion up to their border as a provocation. How are they now going to view American weapons falling INSIDE Russia? Weapons specifically supplied to Ukraine for the express purpose of fighting Russia?

I would say Russia would see that very badly. 

But here's the issue: why would the Biden government risk an escalation? Are they trying to create a scenario where they stay in power indefinitely? Biden hasn't a hope in hell of winning the Presidential election (in a straight election that is), so are they really insane enough to start a shooting war with Russia just to stay in power?

I know that the elites of the world have been building survival bunkers very seriously over the past 5 years now, but is that the plan? Is that the best they could come up with?

I suppose it aligns with the whole death cult/population reduction thing, but do they not understand that there will be nothing left? This is the very definition of scorched Earth. With a half life as the kicker.

They may think they can survive to eventually set up a new World government in the ashes of the nuclear holocaust, but that's a very unlikely scenario. These people are not doers, they are thinkers. You cannot think you way to global domination after a nuclear war. 

What do you do? Fly to New Zealand, sit in your bunker for a few years, emerge and then what? You're stuck unless your private jet is in the bunker with you and enough fuel to fly somewhere and back again. Because don't expect where you want to go to not be an irradiated chuck of glass.  Have a sail boat? Where? Or do you just sit on New Zealand and declare yourself leader in some Lord of the Flies remake with septuagenarians? How are those liver spots going to react to an irradiated landscape? Did you bring your medical team in the bunker with you? Or did you just stockpile Iodine and hope for the best?

I can't believe how irresponsible the Biden administration are right now. This is not posturing, this is not virtue signalling, this action has real-life consequences. Not just for America and the American public, but for the world.