Monday, 17 February 2025

What is The Government's Agenda?

I do have to ask, what is the government's agenda. I ask, mainly because I can't see how any of the policies they have put in place make our lives better.

And to be honest, that's the main reason for their existence isn't it?

Yes, I know there are other things like security, welfare, etc. which are peripheral to the primary purpose.

But the overarching reason for government is to improve the lives of it's citizens.

But that's not what the current government (and for that matter previous governments for the past 30 years) have been up to. 

You could argue the government is managing the decline of the country. But why? Why have they outsourced all manufacturing outside the UK so there are no meaningful jobs? Why have they imported millions of unproductive migrants? Why have they closed down the cheapest sources of energy production?

All of which contribute to lower wages, higher energy prices and a death spiral down the toilet of eternity. 

And it's all down to government policy. They choose to do the things they are doing, instead of doing other things and they must know beforehand what the outcomes will be, otherwise they wouldn't do them. 

So the government is choosing to impoverish you.

The government is choosing not to secure our borders.

The government is choosing to import unproductive migrants.

The government is choosing to push energy prices up.

The government is choosing to not build enough houses for everyone.

The government is choosing to remove your ability to buy a home, choosing to make it difficult or impossible to bring up a family and it's choosing to replace the family you could have had with migrants.

Why is that?

Just sayin'