Okay, I've held back on this for a while, but I think I've formulated a decent article on the current issues around the Trans phenomenon.
I've often alluded to my past, intimating that I've been involved in alternative cultures. Let's just say that I'm pretty clued up on the subject and I've seen over the decades alternative sexualities struggle for acceptance and normalisation. As a child I knew what being gay was as my mother had a gay friend who lived with his partner. Back in the sixties and seventies that was a pretty brave thing to do.
Later in life I was also involved in the fetish "scene" and I've also known trans people and heard their stories. So I've seen first hand how all of the following evolved. I also knew about the idea of gender-fluidity before it was a thing. I used to dress pretty androgynously back in my youth and still at 60 my dress sense doesn't always conform.
I've also been brought up to be pretty tolerant but I do get upset when you bully or tread on the rights of others.
Lets go way back to the early years of transitioning.
There were a small number of men and women that for whatever reason felt they were in the wrong body. That they really, truly felt that they were the opposite sex.
Up until the sixties, there wasn't the ability medically to appear relatively convincingly as the opposite sex. But medical science brought about hormone treatments and physical surgery to implant breasts and alter sexual organs to look like the real deal.
The difficult process back then filtered out all but the most determined of transitioners. They were so determined, quite a few lived successful lives in their new identities.
Over the decades transitioning became easier thanks to medical science. The operations necessary have become routine, alongside advances in cosmetic surgery.
Those transitioning fully have never had a problem until pretty recently. They went about their transition quietly, respectfully.
In parallel, there has always been a subset of the trans community that doesn't want to fully transition. They don't want to lose their original sexual organs. In fact they may not want to appear as the opposite of their true sex full time. But for them the appearance is the thing, not the actual sexual transition.
Crossdressers, for instance are a fetish embodiment of the phenomenon of wanting to be the opposite sex.
Those into Forced Feminisation and Female domination are similarly part of the fetish scene.
Drag Queens/Kings are more involved in the entertainment industry.
She-males have in the past been linked more to the porn industry.
There have always been those streams of opposite-sexness that have not really been involved in the transitioning debate because they don't want to fully transition. Up until fairly recently they haven't been part of the trans movement either. It's only in the last 5-10 years that these other streams have now been incorporated for whatever reason into the trans movement.
And this is where the problem with the trans movement now stems from the inclusion of these "not-quite transitioning" elements. Along with a side order of some elements of the Gay community.
As an example, prior to the inclusion of these elements, a male for instance would go through the difficult process of transitioning. Living for a time as their chosen sex and eventually moving to surgery to then be fully transitioned in appearance. They realised that while in the transitioning phase whilst appearing as a woman they were using women's spaces very much as a guest. They were using those spaces very much secondary to those who actually owned the space: women.
Once fully transitioned, they became full members of the female club. In appearance they were the same, in attitude they already were the sex they had chosen to be. Because by definition they were psychologically female.
But around the late 90's and early 2000's the Gay activist community came to the fore. The "Out Loud And Proud" mantra along with serious activist organisations like Stonewall pushed the Gay agenda like never before. The Labour Government of Blair and Brown quite rightly helped Gay rights and eventually introduced Civil Partnerships in 2005. This positive evocation of Gay rights eventually ended up with full equality and Gay Marriage.
But this positive evocation , the "Loud and Proud" movement also brought in it's coat tails and helped radicalise the trans community. Now the trans community also wanted recognition.
But instead of recognising the rights of women to have safe spaces, that those transitioning were guests in the spaces they wanted to use, the Trans community in it's zeal to ape what the Gay community eventually after decades won has trampled over women's rights.
The crux of the matter is the wish to have instant gratification. The inference that a man can instantly identify as a woman without putting in the hard work. The years of hormone treatment, living as a woman for years before surgery. Understanding until they fully transition they are guests in the female space.
No, the current trans extremists want it all now and to hell with the rights of others.
Well sugar, your rights don't usurp the rights of others. I have a problem with that. Not you, but your attitude and lack of respect. Women have the right not to see a man with a beard call himself a woman, a woman has the right not to see a penis in a female changing room, and has the right not to be raped in a female space by a man calling himself a woman, the right not to be offended by a man denigrating what a woman is to just a set of physical features. A woman is a magnitude more than that. But extremists and fetishists are incapable of understanding that, or deliberately ignore it in order to further their selfish cause.
To be a woman, lose the beard, lose the penis, Understand that to BE A WOMAN you need to do some work and then you can call yourself a woman.
There's an interesting question on how far body dysmorphia or whatever the medical term involved goes. I would have thought a person with a medical condition would want to fully become the sex their brain is telling them they are. Some half-assed transition with a dangly bit still in place wouldn't suffice.
The trans extremists don't understand how they are shitting all over the legacy of the people that have transitioned before them. The people that did the work, the campaigning, being guinea pigs for the medical procedures...
The trans extremists don't care who they upset. They want instant gratification, very, very similar to the fetish streams of the trans community.
These extremists and activists promoting their rights over others are the same adult children that act up in supermarkets, that road-rage, that demand that they have everything for nothing. They have never been told no, never been denied anything by their parents. They are as emotionally stable as young children. They have never grown up. They have no respect.
In my opinion, their claim is not valid. It's people claiming their rights usurp the rights of others. I have a real problem with that. Their wish for instant gratification is not a legitimate human right, it does not trump other people's rights.
Their claim to female spaces and to legitimate recognition is as legitimate as a child stamping it's feet or throwing itself to the floor in the supermarket and demanding that bag of sweets even though they didn't behave properly.
And now we come to the "straight" involvement in the trans issue. The promotion of trans in the leftist ideology. Yet again a worthy cause has been hijacked, stirred up, poked, prodded and weaponised by the left. Now we're seeing gay kids being funnelled into transitioning because supposedly being trans trumps any other sexuality.
This is yet another offensive aspect to the extremist trans ideology. It's now saying that it's not okay to be gay. Be trans instead. Appear like the opposite sex instead of embracing same sex attraction. I do wonder why the Gay community puts up with that and doesn't speak out against it.
If the trans community can't see how offensive that is, how offensive that their other claims are, then they really need to look in the mirror and have a word with themselves. The trans community has to be introspective and really see how much damage they are doing to their cause. They have to say to those outside the community that they are wrong to do hijack it for their own ideologies. They need to state they will uphold the rights of others and understand their claim to spaces are given, not taken.
That's the way the gay community did it and they took the nation along with them. The forceful trampling of non-trans rights and the silencing of dissenting voices is not the way to go. The trans extremists need to understand the damage they are doing to the reputation and the image of trans people. They need to understand the disservice they are doing to the people they purport to represent.
There needs to be a social debate and a consensus on when a trans person has the right to claim to be the opposite sex. Slapping a wig on a bearded man is not that point. An analogy is slapping a wig on a pig and calling it human.
The other interesting feature is that this is all caused by the Male to Female side of Trans. There seems to be no issue with the Female to male Trans side. It's almost as if there's an element of misogyny creeping in. Like women had just better put up with it or else.. That's a really ugly attitude. That's the attitude of an abuser, a woman-beater, a rapist. All of which we have seen come out of the trans activist community and their followers.
But of course me being offended by extremist trans activists is just trans-phobia.
Yeah, of course it is you simple childish twats.