Thursday 29 September 2022

Hang On, Who's in Charge Here?

I see in the News that the chancellor is receiving criticism for not informing the markets about his mini budget. Excuse me, but who is in charge here? Is it the government or the markets? Is it the Government or the Globalists? Is it the Government or those with huge financial interests?

Why should he inform the markets? He's in the government and wouldn't tipping the markets off before his announcement constitute insider trading or leaking information prior to a budget, which is also a no-no?

After all if he only informed certain parts of the market, couldn't they gain an advantage, having prior knowledge? If the treasury had informed one trading firm and another an hour later, the trading firm with an hour's prior knowledge could make a killing in that hour until the whole market had caught up. An hour is a very long time in these technological times. 

Billions are made on making fractions of a percent profit over billions of pounds. Just a few minutes of advance warning can provide such an advantage that a trading house could  could earn a substantial amount of money.

It's yet more nonsense to bash the Truss cabinet with. 

I think the globalists really wanted Rishi Sunak as the PM and are continuing to press for "their man" to be in place to do their bidding instead of working for the people of this country.

If that isn't proof of outright corruption in UK politics, I don't know what is.

Secondary to this is the fact that the Labour party are also pushing this mantra. In lock step with the anti-worker globalists. I say shame on the Labour party. It shows that if you voted them into power instead of the Tories, you'd just get more of the same globalist corruption and the workers of this country would be screwed for an additional 5 years.

Vote for someone else for fucks sake. Not the Tories, not Labour, not the traitorous Liberals nor the Fucking disastrous Greens.

Do not believe the globalist agenda that everyone not supported by them is a fascist.  It's such a worn out cliché just like "Far-Right" or "Extremist" that it's almost a badge of honour these days. 

Vote Reform. Do what Sweden and Italy have done. Vote for the anti-woke anti-globalists if you know what's good for you. I'd say vote UKIP, but unfortunately I doubt they have the funds to mount a decent campaign at the next election.

If it comes to it vote for your local independent candidate. Someone who isn't a professional politician. Even the least best option puts a career globalist-supporting politician out of a job and puts a normal person in parliament in their place, giving a decent paying job to one of us, someone who deserves it.

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