If you want democracy, Vote Leave.
If you want the ability to sack the people that make the rules, Vote Leave.
If you want to retain rights to freedom gained in the UK over centuries, Vote Leave.
If you want to reject restricted rights and freedoms handed to you by Bureaucrats, Vote Leave.
If you want to regain UK sovereignty, Vote Leave.
If you believe in innocent until proven guilty, Vote Leave.
If you believe no UK citizen should be deported without solid evidence, Vote Leave.
If you want to end jobs for political has-beens, Vote Leave.
If you want to stop jobs for the boys, Vote Leave.
If you want to put an end to unelected people having power over you, Vote Leave.
If you want Westminster to have more power than a town council, Vote Leave.
If you want to regain the rights to fish our own seas, Vote Leave.
If you want to end the bailouts of a currency we don't use, Vote Leave.
If you want to avoid ever having to use the Euro, Vote Leave.
If you want to restrict the influx of unskilled, low paid workers from Eastern Europe, Vote Leave.
If you want to end the depression on low skilled wages, Vote Leave.
If you want better social mobility, Vote Leave.
If you want our government to invest in our youth, Vote Leave.
If you want the government to train our people rather than rely on imported labour, Vote Leave.
If you want us to have more direct influence on the World, Vote Leave.
If you want to end the idiocy of the Common Agricultural Policy, Vote Leave.
If you want to be able to take immigrants that try to cross the channel back to France, Vote Leave.
If you want to be able to deport criminals from EU countries back to where they came, Vote Leave.
If you want to abolish an expensive layer of the Political Establishment, Vote Leave.
If you want to end the rule that allows firms to pay tax in the cheapest EU country, Vote Leave.
If you want to stop the political Gravy Train, Vote Leave.
Even if you just want to stick two fingers up to the political establishment, Vote Leave.
They never sleep, never rest
One thing you could never accuse the devil of is being lazy … the minions
never sleep, never rest, they’re in control of everything vital, not unlike
a can...
1 hour ago