Thursday, 24 October 2024
Wednesday, 23 October 2024
When Will People Reealise: For Muslims it's Islam First, Everything Else is Secondary.
I can't stress enough how most of the Middle-Class get the issue of Muslims and Islam completely wrong.
They think the Islamic Ideology won't impact them. They think that "most" Muslims are moderate and are not a threat to the Christian Way of life in the UK.
I cannot stress how wrong-headed that is.
This report of a Muslim female Police officer spouting Islamic hate and actively conversing with a member of ISIS is but one example of how wrong the middle class are about Muslims and Islam.
There are hundreds, probably thousands of others out there in high-profile jobs that think the same way. They may say one thing and appear moderate in public, but amongst friends or in the Mosque it's another thing entirely.
If Kier Starmer wants to plug that black hole, how about issuing a tax on Mosques? Especially the Mosques that are financed from outside the UK by the Gulf States. The mosques that generally have imported Imams, with radical anti-Western views, with radical anti-feminist views, and especially anti Judeo-Christian views.
It's these engines of non-assimilation that stop the Muslims from integrating. The Imams remind them of their duty to impose the supremacy of Islam over their lives, over EVERYTHING and EVERYONE including the rest of us.
If ever there was a hotbed of hate speech, it's these mosques. But of course just saying that I assume would be classed as hate speech these days. But you do have to ask, where does this Muslim supremacy mindset come from? Who exactly is telling the children of immigrants that they MUST uphold the "true" Muslim way of life and refuse to integrate?
I know where it comes from, but the government don't have an answer for it.
I do. Ban Imams from countries outside the UK.
Tax those mosques paid for by entities outside the UK.
Make unannounced/anonymous checks on mosques to see if they are issuing speech that conflicts with Western values.
After all, the Christian Church has had to modernise to conform with Western Sensibilities over the decades, so why are we not demanding the same from Islam?
If necessary, we may have to have a reformation of the Islamic Religion like we did with Henry the 8th and Christianity. We might have to set up a Mosque of England religion, that replaces the current mosques with a more moderate, Western-allied version of Islam. All the other Mosques would be closed down.
If necessary we need to start the reform ourselves, if we want to save the UK.
Labour: Stop Blaming the Tories, it's Getting Old Now.
The latest tranche of early releases from Prison have offered some controversial images for the government, as we see pictures of prisoners being picked up from Prison in luxury cars like Bentleys.
Hardly the image of "Crime Doesn't Pay".
And yet again, Labour say it's the fault of the Tories.
I'm sorry, but you've been in power long enough to implement schemes that would avoid these images. You could by now have rented prison ships that would be docked at our ports, you could have repurposed MOD camps, you could have tasked a firm to come up with a completely new low-category secure facility made out of portakabins. You do know you can stack them up three high at least, don't you?
There are any number of things Labour could do to mitigate the situation, but:
Like a petulant child, they want to have a bit of theatre, have a flounce to prove the point.
Except, like a parent watching a petulant child throw a tantrum in the middle of a supermarket, or do something stupid to make a point, I don't care.
I want prisoners to be in prison. You've had 4 months to sort it out and you haven't. Instead you are making a scene.
Labour, you are shit at government.
Stop acting like kids and start leading.
Or is all we are going to see of this term of government one flounce after another, one scene after another and bad governance?
I suspect the latter, because two-tier Kier is no leader in my eyes. He doesn't even give off any leadership vibes.
He seems the sort of person that forms a committee just to tell him how many sugars he should put in his coffee.
He doesn't look even remotely capable of making a single unilateral leadership decision.
So far he's looked like a middle-class parent faced with a truculent toddler, you know the sort: can't deal with someone that argues back. I've seen that face in so many supermarkets as the kid argues and screams from isle to isle. The "What do I do?" face.