Friday 2 August 2024

Attack the Symptom, Not the Cause.

Keir Starmer and the rest of the establishment have come out attacking the "Far Right" over the unrest in Southport and outside Downing Street.

They've even resurrected the EDL from some mass grave somewhere. I thought that had long since died a death.

Nope, the far right are bad people for venting their frustrations at yet another stabbing attack, by yet another brother of the religion of Islam. 

The public are quite rightly venting their frustration at what seems like an inability of the Police to protect the public and in this latest case the most vulnerable members of the public: children from harm at the hands of an Islamic extremist.

I say extremist, but as regular readers know I make no distinction between moderate Muslims and the so-called extremists. The only difference is the lengths they will go to to become a better Muslim.

The people "rioting" in Southport have had enough. They have had enough of the disrespect from the Muslim community, they've had enough of the rape of their daughters, they've had enough of now the murder of their daughters. They've had enough of the protection of Muslims given by the establishment.

They want equal treatment. They want protection for their community by the Police, the same as the Police protect the Muslims. They want respect from the establishment, the same as the establishment respects the Muslim community. 

If the government, the Police and the other authorities cannot provide that respect and protection, then it's fair game for the people to take matters into their own hands. If you won't do it, it falls to the people themselves to do what the authorities are unwilling to do. 

The government are playing a deadly game here. They are ostracising the majority of people for the votes of a minority. 

If a government protects and actively supports a minority over a majority and the government hold all the weapons and all the power, who is the oppressed class?

The government are just labelling a group of concerned working class people as far-right in order to dismiss their concerns. Because frankly, the government are shit scared of doing anything about it. 

Muslims own 20% or our economy or more, they own stakes in all our large corporations, they buy a lot of our expensive weapons, they own our ports, fund our Universities, own a lot of our most expensive property, they have bought a lot of our national debt. What do you think happens if the Muslims of the Gulf States take a disliking to our government's policies? For instance if we actually started publicising the rape gangs and the stabbers and the anti-Western Mosques? What would happen if they started to remove their money from the city, sold all their expensive houses, removed funding from our Universities? The country would collapse financially. That's the driver of the influence right there.

Lets be clear about this: the Muslims of the Gulf states hold more sway on Downing street and the Houses of Westminster than the majority of the voters in this country. That's the level of corruption we are dealing with. The government the establishment, they are all OWNED BY THE MUSLIMS. They don't sound oppressed to me, so why are the far-left supporting them?

That is why the ordinary people of the country are labelled "far-right". It's just a label that allows the government to ignore them, do nothing and instead suck up to their Muslim extortionists.

Let's be clear here. The points the protesters in Southport are protesting about is a majority viewpoint. Protection, safety, fairness, even handed policing without favouritism; these are not far-right goals. These are the goals of the majority. 

If you slander the people of Southport in this way, you slander the majority of the country.

Lucky for you Mr Starmer that you have just won an election. You have time in office. You have the backing of the Police and their power. But mark my words, you may not see another term. 

If the majority get angry enough to get organised, you'll have a big fucking problem. You won't see another term in office and we will put someone in power who looks after OUR interests, cares about OUR fears and will actively deal with OUR problems.

If you ignore us, we will take matters into our own hands. We removed a King and by God we can and will remove a Parliamentarian.

Fuck you Kier Starmer.

Start attacking the symptom, not the cause. Start attacking the Muslims that hold extremist views. Deport them, refuse them government services. We do not want them here. If they rape or murder our people and our children, remove them from this country. Have some balls. You were a lawyer, get the legislation in place to allow it. Remove these murdering bastards. I want them gone.

I want the Muslims who hate this country gone too. If they will not join us and integrate, then they should be gone. I do not want Muslim enclaves, or ghettos where a Muslim can live and work apart from the mainstream. I want those that will not integrate to rightly feel unwelcome. End the provision of interpreters. Remove those that outstay their visas. Remove those that commit crime. Time limit asylum visas. 

Support the majority and not the minority.

Wednesday 31 July 2024

The Rise of the New Nazty Party

The scrapping of the Winter Fuel Allowance by the Labour party has already lead many to accuse them of being the new nasty party. The moniker originally assigned to the Tories.

On top of that, Labour are also killing the Free Speech bill that would enforce free speech on University campuses. 

So now we have a party whose acolytes think it's okay to take money from people who are least able to afford to heat their homes in winter whilst at the same time bringing back cancellation of speakers the left don't like in Universities.

Hitler would be proud. Labour and the Hard left have got their own type of Brownshirt to go into Universities and shut down dissenting voices. These days instead of wearing Brown Shirts, it's pink or blue hair dye, and/or excessive piercings.

I know a fascist when I see one. When it walks like a fascist and talks like a fascist, I will call it a fascist, even when it's a far left Fascist. The end result is the same.

Far from being the lovely, snuggly comforting and helpful party that Labour want you to think they are, they are already showing their colours as the Nazty Party. The "z" added for emphasis.

Because Nazis and Fascists always say they are not Nazis and Fascists, while at the same time  beating you over the head and removing your liberties.

Violence Overnight in Southport. Tensions are Quite Rightly High.

There were so-called Riots in Southport overnight. People were protesting at a local Mosque against yet another Muslim (we may not yet know his name) causing yet another atrocity and stabbing kids this time.

Enough is enough. We had a Soldier stabbed last week, we had Gay people Stabbed in Reading Years ago, we had stabbings in London.

Every time the authorities cry "Mental Health". It's wearing a bit thin. These are all Muslims, all young men of a similar age to those coming across the channel in boats. 

If the authorities are so certain this is a problem with mental health and not a certain ideology, then why are not all the men coming across the channel screened for mental health issues?  After all, if that's the reason, lets start screening them and make sure we do not allow any more mentally ill men into the country. Or at the very least put them in secure mental health hospitals so they cannot stab people.

Or, as I suspect, the authorities using the "Mental Health" tag as a euphemism for a particularly violent ideology? 

Then we heard that the un-named man (albeit 17 years old) was "known" to the authorities.

In what way exactly?

Is this yet another Muslim, an Islamic extremist, a radicalised man known to the authorities for watching certain content online maybe, or associating with various radical groups? Is yet another such person, known to the authorities who did what? Exactly what did they do to or with this guy? Did they have a word with him, let him know he was on their radar? Did they just ignore him? Did they ignore all the other "Mentally Ill" extremists who killed people?

The Southport stabbings are a major failing by the authorities and I think this is a high enough visibility case now to start asking questions of those authorities as to what they are doing to prevent another attack like this.

We need to make it known we will no longer tolerate blind eyes being turned when it comes to Islamic extremists, whatever the authorities deem their mental state.

The Police quite rightly copped the anger of the mob in Southport. This is a failing by the Police at a very basic level. Failing to protect the ordinary citizen from those that would do us harm.

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Muslim Party of Great Britain.

I predict that by the next General Election there will be a Muslim Party of Great Britain.
I also predict theparty will will seats in major urban areas of Great Britain. London, Birmingham, Leeds, Bradford, Leicester. All will come under full Muslim control both of local councils and Members of Parliament. 
What happens then is anyone's guess, but there's a good chance that the councils will install Sharia law overtly or covertly. The councils will be run for the benefit of Muslims, to the exclusion of other faiths. Unless they pay.
The Muslim block vote in these areas and others will desert the left. Critical mass has been reached where candidates standing on a Muslim ticket are almost guaranteed to win elections in areas with a significant Muslim minority.
What Kier Starmer's Labour do about this will shape the next election, if they do anything at all. I fully suspect they will deem this the will of the people in these areas, despite control being exerted by and for a minority. 
The majority will be ostrasised, ignored, or deliberately pushed out. 
What happens when cities declare themselves "Muslim Cities"? Will the Government finally read the runes and start to understand what is playing out here played out in Lebanon and other countries decades before. Will they do something to stamp it out? I doubt Starmer has the Balls.

Monday 29 July 2024

Tommy Robinson - Getting to the Endgame.

Yesterday Tommy Robinson had his rally of Patriots in Trafalgar Square. 

During the rally he showed the documentary that he'd been prevented from showing lest he be charged with contempt of court.

Tommy had complied with the instructions of the court and had not released the documentary. 

It was released and was shown some months ago in the USA. Tommy denies he was involved in the release. 

However, even though he denies he was involved, he was summoned to court to answer to charges of contempt. He was due to go to court either today or tomorrow. 

Yesterday evening, he was arrested and charged under the Terrorist Offences Act. 

Under this act you do not have the right to stay silent. You have to answer all questions put to you.

Not only that you have to surrender any devices and give passwords.

I think that's what the Police were after. If for instance they could arrest Tommy under the TOA, seize his phone and get access to it, they could then by the back door confirm if he had instigated the release of the documentary in the USA or not. It's a fishing exercise and a way to gather evidence without a warrant and without enough evidence to attain a warrant. It's a misuse of the TOA.

"Oh, look, just by chance we found communication with the guy in the USA" would say the Police. 

In America I assume that evidence gathered in such a way as part of the TOA arrest would be inadmissible in a separate contempt case. But not here in the UK. Any evidence trawled up by one enquiry would be submitted by the Crown Prosecution in the contempt case.

Tommy realised they were going to try and prosecute him for contempt for something he did not do, so as a big "Fuck You!" to the court and the Judge in this week's case. If they are going to jail him for something he didn't do, then he may as well do it. At least he knows what he did.

The Establishment are shitting themselves. They themselves have released Tommy. He has lost his home, his business and his family and he is still not a broken man. In fact they have made him more determined. He's that sort of guy.

He is now a loose cannon, he is free in the sense he has no fear of prison or of anything else the establishment do to him. To the establishment he is very dangerous.

There is now a battle of Wills. Tommy doesn't care. And that scares the Establishment more than anything...