Well, colour me not surprised.
Because that's the way these fundamentalists think.
Murdering an MP or anyone else, raping kids, it's all Halal and approved by the big fella upstairs as long as it's in furtherance of the religion of peace.
And as I've stated before, the fundamentalists have a more exact and precise interpretation of the Koran, so other Muslims cannot criticise. To criticise a fundamentalist is to criticise Mohammed, Allah and the Koran. It's like me walking into an American mid-Western town and saying the Bible is shit and God is gay or something similar. I'd most likely beaten to a pulp.
But that's how Islam works. The writings in the Koran, especially the later writings spout some pretty extreme language. Most Muslims ignore the calls to kill unbelievers and live a pretty moderate and tolerant life.
But the fundamentalists believe in ALL of the Koran, even the loony nutjob whacko bits that call for the annihilation of anyone who isn't a Muslim. See, they're taking in all of the great book, they're not picking and choosing what parts they live their life by. They are better Muslims, leading a more Muslim life, beyond criticism. Even to the point of martyrdom.
That's why Ali Harbi Ali has pleaded not guilty despite many witnesses to his crime and being apprehended at the scene. It is not mental illness. It is a religious conviction beyond the limits of what we call moderate and sane. To condemn Ali Harbi Ali as mentally ill condemns all Muslims as mentally ill.
It's as offensive as it sounds to fundamentalist Muslims and also to some moderates as well. Just riles them up even more and gives their hateful Imams more fuel to stir up the hatred. It's like Protestants saying Roman Catholics and especially the Pope are all mentally ill because they follow a more strict interpretation of the Bible. And in the UK we all know how Protestant/Catholic "disagreements" can spiral out of control. Yet people in the West still don't get it.
This is an issue that is being swept under the carpet that will bite us in the posterior one day. The longer you leave it, the bigger the wound.