Old Holborn has also covered this, but I'd like to throw in my two penn'orth.
Members of the EDL were arrested on their way to a joint march with the SDL in Scotland.
Here is a statement about the arrest by the EDL.
By contrast, here is a report on the march itself by the BBC.
Notice the fact that the EDL arrests were not mentioned: also note the fact that the march is reported as an anti-fascism march by the UAF and others, including trades unions.
Note also that the homes of the EDL members were raided. Now I assume these homes are several miles away from where the members were arrested, so the search of their homes shows some premeditation on the part of the Police to detain EDL members and use that as an excuse to go on a fishing expedition.
Note that this sort of Police activity isn't confined to so-called extremists: remember the case of Damian Green, the MP who was arrested and had his home searched by anti-terror Police, all because he was using a source in the Home Office to brief against the government? Same trick: arrest, intimidation, bullying. Of a democratically elected representative.
Now, I always say if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then its a duck. I'll let you the reader decide whether this looks suspiciously close to Authoritarianism, Nazism, Communism, or just a plain old Police State. But, when you see people openly being denied their right to speak out against anti-democratic practices, then you can't deny the fact any longer. In fact it only re-inforces the standpoint of those arrested and denied their democratic rights and any casual observer who cares to see past the media smokescreen and see the truth: that people are only allowed to demonstrate a viewpoint allied to that of the government. Anything else will be suppressed.
At the end of their statement, the EDL say they will be gathering outside Parliament on the 5th of March. It may be time for those of us who want this country free of tyrrany to join them in their protest.
To those who are monitoring EDL activity and come by this blog because I've linked to their pages, I say thank you for your time, but there is nothing to see here. I am a patriot and I'm disgusted at the social engineering project being wrought by this Labour Government. I'm also disgusted at the actions of a once impartial Police force in suppressing the voices of those that dissent from the status quo. Free speech is just that: it is free from influence or duress of any kind. It is my right to say things that others may find offensive, it is my right to say things others find uncomfortable, it is
my right to say things even if
you believe them to be untrue. That is my right.That is the right of anyone, including people like the EDL. No matter how unpalatable their message is to those in power, their right to say it is one I'll defend, just as their opponents have their right to rebut the EDL's message.