No, not a reference Railways, but the ancient TV series where spies try and avoid being reactivated.
Real, spy-type sleepers. Yes, they are still here in the West, despite Glasnost and all of that theatre from the Nineties. Much has been made of Chinese espionage more recently, but the KGB are very good at hedging their bets, belt and braces and not letting go of the old ways.
The KGB are very much active in the field of human intelligence.
This story shows that sleepers are very much out there: Married couple charged for using identities of dead children for decades (
The innocuous and strange tale would only be one of a couple using assumed identities... until photos were found of them in KGB uniforms. Idiots.
Now the uniforms look staged as they were taken in the same place. The backgrounds are the same. It's almost like the couple were approached, recruited and then the photos were used as blackmail: "do what we tell you to do, otherwise we'll release the pictures and you'll be tried as spies".
Very KGB.
Anyhow, they've been caught and the media seem at pains to avoid the KGB link. But I have a theory that this couple have been watched for a while now and that they have been exposed to show Russia that the USA hasn't dropped it's guard. Just in case they want to start a fight, the US are still vigilant and it won't go how the Russians think it will.
Sad for the couple that they've been found out either way. Living your life as a lie isn't the most relaxing occupation.
I do hope this war between Russia and Ukraine stops soon. I'm missing Russian Standard Vodka. And if anyone tells you different Vodkas all taste the same, they're a heathen.
On the subject of China, I hear that a new Parliamentary security leak has been detected. Oh joy. I just wonder what the Chinese get out of Parliamentary information. I'm sure they get all the inside gossip and in some instances an insight into how the UK would react in certain circumstances. But really the rabid data-gathering of the Chinese must pick up lots of dross with very few true interesting nuggets of information.
But hey, it must be paying off. They've got a space program, a decent fighter aircraft and a capable aircraft carrier out of it. But I pity the poor saps who have to sift through the dross.