Saturday, 18 April 2020

COVID-19: PPE Supply.

PPE is in short supply around the world, this is a global pandemic.

I'm fed up of journalists harping on about it, the situation is what it is thanks to globalist, make it in the cheapest country, make the most profit thinking.

If we are finding it difficult to import kit into the country, isn't the simple answer make it ourselves?

The government is spunking vast amounts of future national debt keeping people at home, why not chuck a few million into setting up a company in the UK making critical kit for the NHS?

While ventilators might be in short supply, materials, 3d printers and sewing machines aren't.

Let's get the job done and make PPE in the UK.

Friday, 17 April 2020

CIVID-19: Key Worker Tests: Utter Stupidity.

Just received the email from the care quality commission about key workers self-isolating and who is eligible to get a test.

First off is the stupidly low number of test centres. They are:

Midlands Metropolitan.

So, bit of a bugger if you're in Bristol or Keswick. You've got a very long drive. If you can drive. If you live in Cumbria, Northumberland, even in Devon, Lancashire or Yorkshire, you're going to be in the car for hours getting to the test centre. Maybe it's just a London virus and nowhere else in the country?

Second, the key worker is only tested if they or a member of their household is symptomatic.

Third, only workers in registered care homes are eligible for testing. No testing for workers in any other form of care like domiciliary care or supported living. The carers are going into these people's homes on a daily basis, in some cases shared accommodation that are just like registered homes, but don't require registration. #loophole.

We already know and have known for weeks that people can be spreading the virus without any symptoms. Figures out of China suggest that fourth fifths of those infected can be infected and asymptomatic, waiting for symptoms to occur is waiting way too late.

So really carers need to be tested on a regular basis to establish their viral status. Relying on symptoms emerging is bolting the door after the horse has bolted.

Key workers need to be tested either weekly or fortnightly regardless of symptoms. That way any asymptomatic spreaders can be removed from the system before they infect anyone they care for.

The CQC should have access to the latest covid-19 information, so they should know about asymptomatic spreaders and should update their policy to cope. It should have been updated at least 4 weeks ago when it was known that people can transmit the virus without symptoms.

As it is the advice looks like it was typed up two months ago, the test centres are too few and large swathes of the care sector are not included.

It's piss poor and should be better. People will die as a result of this, there can be no other outcome.

Thursday, 16 April 2020

COVID-19: The Left Never Miss a Trick do They?

I'm getting really fucking pissed of with the left at the moment.

People are dying and the left are wetting themselves with propaganda that the NHS can't cope (it is coping) or that people are dying unnecessarily (they aren't) and the UK government are all to blame. Fuckers are dancing on the graves of thousands just to gain political points. Cunts.

Now Keir Stamer is "demanding" ever so effetely that the government produce an exit strategy.

The News outlets and especially Nick Robinson this morning are jumping on the bandwagon asking for an exit strategy. Matt Hancock quite rightly lost his temper and should I have been in that position I would have told him to fuck right off.

The exit strategy needs to be formed at the time it is required based on scientific evidence.

The exit strategy has to do that, because an exit strategy formulated today, may not be fit for the circumstances a week from now. Any change to the plan will be instantly jumped on by the left-leaning Media or the left itself as a change of policy, an error of judgement or a u-turn.

So fuck 'em. Matt Hancock was right to loose his temper at Nick Robinson's attempt to back him into a corner. Well done for shoving two fingers up at the bespectacled prick.

I used to have fun winding Robinson up back in the day probably ten years ago or so, until he blocked me. Didn't like me calling out his antics for what they were. Nick Robinson likes the sound of his voice way too much and puts too much emphasis on his personal opinions.

At a time of not only a national emergency but a global one, Nick Robinson needs to wind in his opinions and start to report facts, not postulate on the future, or keep up his biased diatribe. But maybe as I've pointed out him before, maybe he's a bit too thick to understand, or too narcissistic to bother.

He's supposed to be a political reporter, the News is not supposed to be the Nick Robinson show, or a platform for him to do grandstanding.

So yeah, fuck him.

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

COVID-19: Care Sector Catastrophe Inevitable

First lets say well done to Boris for beating the Virus, glad he's through it and out the other side. Hopefully the secondary attacks from the virus won't do any harm.

I say secondary attack because in my personal experience of the virus, it seems to wane and then come back. In my case it was three times. The third time was the worst with breathlessness, chest pains and heart palpitations.

Not a nice experience, but a lot less than those people that got taken into intensive care have experienced.

Anyway, lets explore the care sector. Yesterday in the Government briefing, it was admitted that 13% of registered care homes are reported to be infected with COVID-19. That's a bloody high level given that care homes should be isolated from the population.

My Mrs is a care manager for a large charity and is currently having daily meetings with management regarding their COVID-19 response. The main focus on those meeting is PPE and guidelines around when to wear it.

Of course PPE is in short supply, although the charity does hold an amount in readiness for when a home becomes infected. This to me is arse-about-face: the emphasis should be isolation of those homes.

My personal opinion is that carers should be wearing PPE now in order to prevent bringing the virus into the home and protect the residents. There should be a barrier between carers and those being cared for. It should have been in place from day one. NOT waiting for the virus to be passed from an asymptomatic carer to residents. By then it's too late: residents who in the main have underlying health conditions will die.

As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure.

The care sector needs to get PPE in care homes and be wearing it NOW. Not only registered care homes but also supported living, domiciliary care and ANY form of community care. ALL carers should be wearing PPE as a matter of routine.

So far the government has failed to give clear guidance on this and has failed to supply PPE to the whole care sector. It seems only council-run care homes are getting PPE deliveries. The independent care homes run by private organisations and charities have been left very much out in the cold.

That has to change and change quickly to prevent avoidable deaths.