Just received the email from the care quality commission about key workers self-isolating and who is eligible to get a test.
First off is the stupidly low number of test centres. They are:
Midlands Metropolitan.
So, bit of a bugger if you're in Bristol or Keswick. You've got a
very long drive. If you can drive. If you live in Cumbria, Northumberland, even in Devon, Lancashire or Yorkshire, you're going to be in the car for hours getting to the test centre. Maybe it's just a London virus and nowhere else in the country?
Second, the key worker is only tested if they or a member of their household is
Third, only workers in registered care homes are eligible for testing. No testing for workers in any other form of care like domiciliary care or supported living. The carers are going into these people's homes on a daily basis, in some cases shared accommodation that are just like registered homes, but don't require registration. #loophole.
We already know and have known for weeks that people can be spreading the virus without any symptoms. Figures out of China suggest that fourth fifths of those infected can be infected and asymptomatic, waiting for symptoms to occur is waiting way too late.
So really carers need to be tested on a regular basis to establish their viral status. Relying on symptoms emerging is bolting the door after the horse has bolted.
Key workers need to be tested either weekly or fortnightly regardless of symptoms. That way any asymptomatic spreaders can be removed from the system before they infect anyone they care for.
The CQC should have access to the latest covid-19 information, so they should know about asymptomatic spreaders and should update their policy to cope. It should have been updated at least 4 weeks ago when it was known that people can transmit the virus without symptoms.
As it is the advice looks like it was typed up two months ago, the test centres are too few and large swathes of the care sector are not included.
It's piss poor and should be better. People will die as a result of this, there can be no other outcome.