Is it just me, or does anyone else sense the fact that people in public office have careers that seem to be protected and apart from reality.... essentially untouchable?
We have a Police force that is generally protected (unless they are at the bottom of the pile) and no matter what, seem to be immune from prosecution. For instance being given the option to "retire" instead of heading to court like anyone else.
Doctors seem to be able to get away with virtually everything, even killing patients but don't get struck off. At the very least they should be stripped of their rank and forced to retrain. But of course they get protected and it's very difficult to get a doctor struck off.
Council workers are the same: managers can make untold mistakes and they get re-assigned, moved sideways or promoted out of the way.
MPs facing investigation get unending investigations that never come to a conclusion and are allowed to carry on as normal while the investigation is being conducted.
Don't get me started on the idiocy of Speaker Bercow being the one to investigate complaints about himself.
Labour MPs are not removed from the Party for anti-Semitic comments, neither are local councillors.
Paedophile Priests, Teachers cruel Care Home managers football coaches and many other professions close ranks and protect the guilty. It's virtually impossible to get a conviction, much less getting them banned from the profession.
It stinks. We the public seem to be more vulnerable to the wrath of the Police and investigations in general. If we fiddled our expenses like MPs, we would at the very least be out of a job and most likely be facing prosecution.
But these protected species tend to close ranks and block attempts to prosecute.
It has to stop. Negligence and other issues in the NHs are crippling the service. MPs should be accounteble and held to a high standard. Police and Council workers are our servants, not our masters.
” I'm struggling to understand what has caused this…”
Sometimes you read something that just, well....
A former animal shelter worker who attempted to sell human toes coughed up
by the dog of a dead man has *...
2 hours ago