Strange times indeed over in America.
The patently unlawful killing of George Floyd in America triggered a number of protests across the USA in cities. Initially peaceful, they were eventually hijacked by activists and turned into violent riots.
The people doing the escalation are the usual Antifa, anarco-communist ultra-leftist types that usually frequent the anti-capitalist marches, and violent protests.
But this is different. This looks like an opportunity that has been waited for for a long time and there is patent planning and premeditation behind the violent groups. There are rumours of vans going around city streets dropping off piles of bricks in locations during the day suspiciously where there is no building work, only for those bricks to be used in the evening during the violent riots.
Again, there is anecdotal and video evidence of this as well as strange black-clad instigators initiating actions that lead to more violent riots and looting.
I feel for the initial protestors that have had their peaceful protests hijacked in this way. Instead of banding together and uniting people against the oppression and often violent treatment of the black minority of America by the Police authorities, the Black Lives Matters protests have once again been linked to violent thuggery.
But is there a bigger hijack of the protests going on for political gain?
For instance the left-leaning media in the US are decrying the use of force by Police and railing against the mobilisation of the National Guard against what they see as peaceful protesters, completely ignoring the Antfia style violent rioting and thuggery that hijack the protests. You have to be some sort of unique moron to conflate the violent riots with the peaceful protests.
But the media seem to have a blind spot when it comes to Antifa, whether by deliberately by design or moronic ignorance. I tend to err on the side of malicious and deliberate design.
When you factor in the fact that most organisations linked to the violence, the deliberate ignorance of the violence and the people making political point-scoring opportunities are linked to the left and to financiers like George Soros, the pieces fall into place.
The Left are Psychopathic: they will ruin or endanger lives and in extremis will allow people to be killed or watch the World burn in order to prove a political point and try and bring Donald Trump down. That's how far the left will go in America. The lives and livelihoods of the people being killed are just collateral damage. It makes no odds whether those businesses are owned by Black people and therefore disadvantaging the Black community: it's all justified and fair game to the left in order to win the argument.
At this point, I should just throw in the search term "Hillary Clinton Benghazi" for further reading and evidence the left-wing psychopathy goes all the way to the top.
Lives don't matter to the left. Black or White, rich or poor. They will use them all in order to win the game. The psychopathy of the left knows no bounds.
Make no mistake, these are dangerous times for the US politically. The use of Antifa types by the left and the blindness to them of the media needs to be called out, otherwise the left will continue to profit from violence and lost lives.
The left tried to Use Stormy Daniels to bring down Trump, when that failed they tried to use Russia. When that failed they tried to impeach him over Ukraine. When that failed they tried to exploit the COVID-19 pandemic against Trump (when the response was actually controlled by individual states: and the democratic states have fared much worse). Now they are exploiting the George Floyd killing to try and bring Trump down, or influence the 2020 elections.
Psychopathic, it's the only way to describe them.
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