Friday, 6 November 2020

USA 2020: Vote Irregularities Should be Contested

 Okay, despite the media's assertion that claims of voter fraud in the US Presidential Election are unfounded, there are enough first-hand accounts now to assert the opposite.

Although not fraud, the "Sharpiegate" incident in Arizona does really require a re-run of the election in that state.

Plenty of voters that had been given Sharpies to mark their ballot papers have had their votes cancelled. There are a number of people now checking the status of their ballots and getting the news that their vote had been cancelled. They can only assume the ballots were rejected because of the use of a sharpie.

In Detroit there are videos of vand and cars arriving after the votes had been counted with even more "late" ballots. All recorded 100% for Biden. If these were genuine ballots and not attempts to push Biden to a win, then there would also be votes for Trump in those Ballots. To be 100% for Biden is statistically impossible.

There is a video on Twitter circling that shows a vote counter flipping off a ballot form and then screwing it up and throwing it in the trash. Okay, not evidence of organised fraud, but how many counters were doing that? If only one, how many votes did he destroy? In a ballot that could come as close as hundreds of votes this single person could swing that state either way. 

A re-run is required in Michigan.

And so it goes on. Vehicles turning up unannounced, with hundreds of ballots, unchecked, unsecured. people carrying ballots in open carrier bags. 

Volunteer observers prevented from checking the validity of ballots. 

What Trump is saying is the election process needs to be fair. The rules have to be followed and whichever way the vote goes, it needs to be legitimate. I'm not sure why the Democrats would be fighting that. Because whichever way it goes, the winning side can claim a legitimate victory.

The only way to object to that is if you know you are winning illegitimately.

Thursday, 5 November 2020

USA 2020: States holding onto Trump Votes?

 Why do I get the impression that states are holding onto Trump votes and deliberately not counting them?

In Wisconsin over 100,000 votes were counted supposedly from the mail-in ballots. for Biden. Not one main-in vote went to Trump. A statistical impossibility.

In Arizona, the state has been claimed for Biden, even though the pro-Trump rural counties have not yet been counted.

So in this instance, could it be the Michigan postal votes for Trump have been squirrelled away somewhere so that when Trump goes to the Supreme Court to get the the election finally called it backfires on him?

The Democrats can say they won and it's tough luck on Trump - he was tripped up by his own impatience.

At the very least, the ballots in Arizona, Wisconsin and Michigan should be recounted. There is enough anecdotal evidence of vote rigging in those states to force a recount.

Late night unsecured ballot deliveries, statistical anomalies, all of them point to at least a properly scrutinised recount in those states. I'd have thought that's the most fair solution.

In the future, the US really needs to get a handle on ballot security. Turning up with ballots in carrier bags is not secure. How tempting would it be to remove certain ballots from pro-Trump areas from the bag and throw them in the trash, to try and help your favoured candidate? 

In the UK our ballot boxes have seals on them and the seals are not broken until the box arrives at the counting centre in order to ensure ballot security. It works so well some of the boxes are now over 100 years old. 

The US really needs to start looking at how they do elections. Obviously there is enough opportunity for impropriety that the results can be cast into doubt. As can be seen when elections get as close as this one.

When the difference between winning and losing is below a hundred votes, you really need to know every vote has ben cast, collected, transported and counted correctly. And provably so.

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

USA 2020: Why Trump almost lost the Election (and could still lose it)

Trump's main failing prior to the presidential election was to not deal with the persuasive nature of the far-left's arguments.

I can see why the arguments are compelling: more equity, more equality. Let's all be the same. Pay the same, get the same rewards. Without mentioning it's essentially Communism.

But the arguments are persuasive to normal tax earners that are seeing the likes of Google, Amazon et al pay minimal tax. For instance if Amazon can essentially decide how much tax they are willing to pay, why can't the mom-and-pop shop in the high Street? Without equality, there is unfair competition.

Trump needs to start addressing the inequality on the tax system that allows big corporations to pay miniscule tax. Otherwise the socialist/communist message of the rich fat cats getting better deals and paying less is going to continue to resonate with the population and embolden the radical socialists.

He also needs to start addressing the huge bailouts paid to corporations during the covid pandemic. Money the corporations were supposed to use to keep people in jobs, but instead kept for themselves and still laid people off. If I was Trump, I'd be looking for legislation to claw that money back and more from the big corporations. With incentives for US production. basically you get clobbered if you produce in China and import, but you get a sweet deal if you produce in the US and keep American jobs. With incentives all the way down to mom-and-pop on the high street.

It's time Trump gave the person in the street the same tax breaks as Amazon, Facebook or Google. 

COVID-19: Ignoring Lockdown

 I think we'll see a lot more people ignoring lockdown rules this time round. Mainly because the rules don't make sense and most of the measures put in place since the first lockdown haven't stopped the rise of case numbers. 

The wearing of masks hasn't stopped a rise in cases.

Social distancing Rules haven't stopped a rise in cases.

Plastic screens in pubs and restaurants haven't stopped a rise in cases.

So, if they haven't stopped a rise in cases, they are not stopping infections. So why do we persist in using them?

The obvious answer is infections are being caused by something that these measures don't prevent.

So where are the infections coming from? What has opened up since the initial lockdown? 

Is it the pubs? Is it the Restaurants? Is it the non-essential shops? 

Or could it be the opening of schools and colleges? 

Persisting with measure that provably don't prevent the spread of the virus is just wrong-headed. Why are they still in place? Are they just there to reassure people? If that's the case, that's criminal. 

Reassurance does not stop infections.

We need to look into this and find the real reasons why infections are increasing. Then deal with it properly.

Locking down and keeping schools open sends the wrong message. Also if schools are the source of the spread, then keeping them open whilst locking down won't stop the spread.

Is this some sort of giant experiment to try and find the true infection vector?

People are fed up with jumping through hoops and being blamed for the spread, when it's the government's lack of acknowledgement of the rear sources of infection that is the real issue.

We've jumped through hoops and the infection is spreading, so why do we continue to jump? People are rebelling and I've heard several normally compliant and sensible people saying they will rebel. 

Fuck the rule of six, fuck the masks, fuck the closure of non-essential shops. They will find a way round it. A kind of lockdown black market is already forming.

It's about time the government came to it's senses and started coming up with common sense solutions that people can get behind.

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Voting Day in America.

 So, America goes to the polls today (and for up to ten days after for postal votes in some states).

It will be interesting to see what happens.

Will Trump win by a landslide? Will Biden win by a landslide? If there isn't a landslide and decisive victory on either side I envisage weeks of legal wrangling.

If there's a slight victory on the night I envisage post election postal vote-stuffing to try and win the states that allow post-election postal votes to be counted. It works both ways. If Biden wins, lots of Republicans will be getting their postal votes in. If Trump wins, democrat voters will be doing the same. 

Either way, the expectation is violence from the left wing, either in protest at a Trump win, or in celebration of a Biden win where they just get off scott free. Washington DC is all boarded up awaiting the Far-Left shitstorm.

Anyway, popcorn will be at the ready. An evening snooze and a late night watching the results come in.

To be honest, I hope Trump wins, just for shits 'n' Giggles. He's a vastly more interesting person than we've seen as US President for a long time. 

I think Sleepy Joe will just sleepwalk America into Authoritarianism. A puppet President a bit like Bush the Younger. Biden will look all sleepy and innocent and behind him the levers will be pulled and America will one day find itself unable to escape. 

I just hope that with a victory, Trump is unmolested this time by endless lefty interference. Let Trump get on with it. I'm sure if the left hadn't interfered with endless attempt to discredit Trump and let him govern, they would have had so much ammunition to hit him with. Instead he can just blame the left for any issues with his Presidency.