This week there is yet another proposal to increase taxes, this time to fund social care.
Are these real Conservatives we have in power?
Way back when Conservatives would be hard on waste in government. Instead they are weak. Conservatives should be reducing tax, not increasing it.
If the NHS wants more money, then it should get to grips with the causes of the multitude of lawsuits for incompetence and malpractice that land at the door of the NHS legal department.
Those lawsuits suck almost half the funding away from the NHS budget.
That's why both labour and Conservatives are correct when they both say more funding is going into the NHS and that the NHS isn't funded properly. It's because of all the bloody lawsuits!
The NHS and the medical profession in general need to start getting to grips with the rotten eggs and kicking them out. They are costing the NHS and therefore us the taxpayer billions of pounds.
Don't get me started on the billions spent on agency staff covering illegitimate absence, or the millions spent paying the wages of staff on Union business (that should be paid for by the Unions)..
The Conservatives need to shake up social care. Why on earth should we be paying more tax when local government spending is at an all-time high is beyond me. Maybe some of those excessive executive salaries in local government and local health authorities need to be trimmed. Don't believe the guff about attracting the brightest and best from outside public services. Instead the useless morons that run local government vote themselves ever more excessive salaries.
There's a lot of duplication in social care, and if you get it right and (sort of) ignore or bend the rules a lot of profit. But the waste and excess need to be weeded out.
The Conservatives should be hard on the waste in defence too.
Currently the Batch 2 River class patrol boats are being built. The Batch 2s are superior to the original Batch 1s in that they are better suited to long distance travel. Howver, the Batch 1s are not that old but are being pensioned off.
They are ideal for border protection around our shores when Brexit happens (if it actually does).
Selling off perfectly useable ships for peanuts is not a good use of taxpayer's money. Neither is building carriers that cannot fly cheap(er) aircraft off them. For a small (comparatively) increase in cost we could have had carriers fitted with catapults and arrestor gear. Compatible with the majority of other carriers in friendly Navies so we could inter-operate. Instead we decided that we would tie ourselves to the most expensive version of possibly the most expensive fighter/strke aircraft ever built.
I just wonder what the comparative costs would be of fitting cats and traps to our carriers and buying F/A-18 Hornets to fly off them would be compared to what we've tied ourselves into currently.
I look at the Tories at the moment and just shake my head.... just where has it all gone wrong?
” I'm struggling to understand what has caused this…”
Sometimes you read something that just, well....
A former animal shelter worker who attempted to sell human toes coughed up
by the dog of a dead man has *...
2 hours ago