As the coalition government have been in power for a year now, I thought it would be useful to have a series of posts outlining why they haven't captured the public imagination and support.
So, lets focus on the great repeal bill that was being mooted during the pre-election campaign.
Last May, David Cameron mooted a great repeal Bill "in the very first days" of a Conservative government. The idea is something Nick Clegg had proposed as early as 2006.
Has it happened? No. Is it being planned to happen? Has either of the parties in power done anything at all to repeal bad law instigated by Labour? Not as far as I can see.
In fact all we've had is a series of new Labour-like laws put forward and introduced. For instance continuous insurance for motorists and roadside fines for minor infractions for.... oh yes, the motorist again.
Nothing at all has been done about the 13 years of spurious and malicious Labour law-making burden that has dragged this country down. The faces in the government have changed, but the legislation and the policies haven't. Its like theres someone else running the country; despite who you vote for and get elected things just roll on as before.
Of course the real reason for the lack of a repeal is the fact that if you strip away the thin veneer of facecious lawmaking that has gone on over the past decade and a bit, you get to see the real legislative process and I mean the real meaty stuff are the hundreds of laws introduced as a result of E.U. directives.
The huge number of petty laws is just a smokescreen to distract us from the truth. Our supposedly great government is reduced to the role of town council, creating newer and wider ranging byelaws, moving into legislative territory it hasn't previously had an interest in as a result of attempting to be seen to be part of the process, of which they are shut out.
One thing Nick Clegg could do to help recover his reputation is start to form a true coalition with the Conservatives that support the reduction of petty legislation and the restoration of freedom and start to work on making the big repeal bill a reality.
” I'm struggling to understand what has caused this…”
Sometimes you read something that just, well....
A former animal shelter worker who attempted to sell human toes coughed up
by the dog of a dead man has *...
4 hours ago