Friday, 13 September 2019

The Case Against a Second Referendum.... simply that if the public vote to leave again, the MPs will simply ignore it again. Or worse still conspire against it. Again. They are only hoping for a different outcome (remain). But then can we not have the excuse that it's now tied 1-1 for Leave and Remain, so now we go for a tie-breaker referendum? Of course not, as soon as they win, then everything clams shut again.

There has to be an election. Let each MP stand on a truthful pro or anti Brexit stance. No hiding behind party lines this time. Each MP must state where exactly they stand on Brexit on an individual basis.

We had the liars last time get in on a false premise and then swap parties, vote against their own party and effectively work in opposition to the stand that got them into power.

Clear house and start again, hopefully with a bucketful more integrity than the current shower.

Class War 2: Democracy for the Rich Only.

It seems that democracy is under a very real threat.

The Scottish court result is just one of a number of lawsuits brought by monied litigants against the Government.

Were the Government has failed in their legal duty and a judicial review is called and examines the evidence, then that's a fair use of the litigant's money.

But to use a court in a different legal system (in this case Scottish) with different rules just to return a spiteful judgement, is to me reprehensible. If you're hurt by losing, fuck off and cry into your lemonade (stay away from beer, you're not grown up enough top handle it).

But what we're seeing is a massive assault on democracy.

I'd be minded to allow Parliament it's objections to the government's position, if MPs had stayed in their original positions from the last election. But a significant number of MPs have taken a more fluid attitude to their accountability to voters. The majority that sat on a pro-Brexit ticket have defected to other parties or set up as independents, without triggering a local election and getting a mandate from their electorate on that new position. Instead they jumped ship, changed sides or parties (in some cases several times) willy-nilly and then claim a democratic mandate and accuse the government of suspending democracy… incredulous.

As far as I can see, we have a democratically elected government attempting to enact a democratically voted for decision by the people is under attack from wealthy litigants and rebellious undemocratic MPs.

The only way to solve this is a general election: let those that switched sides stand on their new found principles and see if their new position garners enough support to go back to Parliament and fight for their new position.

I personally doubt many, if any of those MPS would be returned in an election, hence their cowardly refusal to grant the government leave to hold one.

So where do we go from here? No idea other than the Boris non-payment/no-deal scenario when he meets the EU negotiating team.

Other than that, the only solution would be for MPs to start dying in mysterious or not-so-mysterious circumstances, so local bye-elections can be triggered and new hopefully pro-Brexit candidates elected to Parliament to replace the rebels.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Prorogation is deemed unlawful in Scotland

Not sure how it affects the British Parliament in Westminster, but a Scottish court has declared the prorogation of Parliament unlawful.

They say that are convinced the prorogation was for the "improper purpose of stymying Parliament".

Completely ignoring the fact that Prorogation happens every year at conference time anyway and the extension to allow the Queen's speech is a mere four days. I bet her Madg' isn't impressed one of her courts is playing fast and loose with the constitution, the government's intent and context.

But then again, Scottish courts have a habit of ignoring context and making up the intentions of defendants. Re: Count Dankula.

Interesting: does that mean all the Scottish MPs can return to Parliament to sit and twiddle their thumbs while the English MPs stay away as commanded by the Queen?

This really is the mother of all constitutional fuckups.

So really, what this all says is: you can vote for anyone you want, but if someone has the money to pay the court costs, they can stymy any government voted into power and even worse reverse the democratically voted intention of the population.


I want the details of where I can find a bunch of guys that know how to operate challenger tanks and where the ammo is stored. They also need to know where the small arms are and their ammo. I want a people's army. No fucking about, I want heavy armour and I want a properly equipped Army.

We may need to go to war with these cunts. A proper, fighting war....

Indeed we need tanks on the Westminster lawn.

Democracy only works with the consent of the losers. They have refused to consent. It seems now is the time to enforce democracy.

No Deal....

So, a question I have is: how does Boris get out of the corner Parliament have painted him into.

Now that he's being forced to ask the EU for an extension and additionally forced by Parliament to accept any extension to article 50 - no matter how long, just how does Boris exit the EU on October the 31st?

Does he do all they command, get an extension and then trigger an immediate election, so he can revoke any extension by Christmas?

Does he sit on his hands, refuse to ask for an extension and face prosecution?

Does he go to Brussels, mumble to himself he'd rather like an extension but no-one hears him and he comes back with a clear conscience?

Does he ask for the extension, then fail to complete the necessary paperwork in time thus automatically exiting on the 31st?

Does he ask for the extension but  say there will be no more payments to the EU after the 31st?  Under those circumstances do the EU call his bluff and agree an extension or refuse?

It's quite obvious Boris' government think October 31st is the deadline. There's a huge, expensive ad campaign on TV and radio going on at the moment. The 31st of October is the end, it's the finishing line... be prepared.

Like for the businesses that are involved with trading with the EU, they need to take heed. For the vast majority of businesses it will be carry on as usual.

I'll have to have a look at the repeal of the European Communities Act, to see when that kicks in. If that's on the 31st, then Boris doesn't have any legitimacy in the EU after that date anyway, as EU law is not valid in the UK and we have no obligations to the EU either. EU law fails to be prime and we revert back to good ol' UK law.

If that kicks in on the 31st, we don't pay any money to the EU, so the EU are bound not to extend beyond the 31st and all our MEPs get kicked out of the EU Parliament.

I suspect if Boris goes to the EU, asks for an extension and doesn't give anything back in return, the EU will tell him to sod off. But he's fulfilled the remit of the Bill Parliament have forced upon him. The Bill only compels him to ask for an extension and then accept any extension the EU propose. It doesn't compel him to give anything in return. If Boris and the EU fail to agree anything by the deadline, then exit is triggered.

Not the best way to exit, to negotiate past the deadline and  default out, but I think that's what Boris is relying on.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Class Wars.

In recent years, we've seen a significant class divide in the UK over many things.

On Brexit, it seems that most working class people voted for Brexit, but most Middle Class people voted against.

It's significant that the protesters against Brexit outside Parliament seem mainly middle class. Because they're the only class that either retire early and so have the free time to stand outside Parliament all day, or the kids are students from middle class families, where they are sponsored by parents to go to Uni. They don't have to hold down jobs to pay the exorbitant uni fees like working class kids.

When it comes to climate change, it's those same entitled, enabled middle-class students sitting in the streets protesting. The working-class kids are working. It's the working class paying the inflated energy bills that line the pockets of the rich and pay the pensions of the middle class.

In a way, it's a measure of the dereliction of political representation for the working class that is causing the divide.

Working class people are still under the illusion that the Labour Party represents them, but in reality it hasn't since the 70's. I don't think the Wilson Governments actually did much for the working class. They allowed the rise of the Unions and their grab for power that was subsequently crushed by the Thatcher government.

That was when political support for the working class started to crumble. The Kinnock and Foot opposition Labour parties were never for the working class. They were bourgeoise Labour, Labour influenced by Marxist philosophy, not a pragmatic and effective support for  the working class.   Instead we got ever more ridiculous demands from Labour until finally, someone with sense in the form of John Smith became leader. He started the purge of the radicals and I like to think that had he not died an untimely death, we would have had a Labour government in 1997 that would have favoured the working class, as opposed to the pro-corporate Blair government.
The same is happening today with the Corbyn Labour party, with no real policies for the working class. Plenty for the non-working class in the form of increased benefits, but their main focus is to effectively lob rocks at the Tories. After that....nothing of substance.

Since 1997 the working class have largely been forgotten politically and are still unrepresented toady.

This is where a leftist would call me racist. For pointing out the truth. Immigration and the multicultural policy whereby every culture is equal (except it seems working class culture) has caused immense problems for the working class. In the North whole towns have been changed irrevocably.

I went up North to see my parents last weekend and finally the wife (born and bred in the South) started to understand. In the South you don't see it, or feel it. But in the North you can. As a white, native British citizen, you are the minority. At the very least, an uncomfortable feeling.

Unsurprisingly,. the middle-class enclaves of the North and Midlands have not been affected, nor has the majority of the South (except London). Hence why the middle class shriek in horror at the lack of working class racial and cultural tolerance. The working class flight from London has only been mitigated by the fact that house sellers in London can buy a better quality property in the home counties  thanks to the house price disparity. If conditions had forced the working class of London to stay, then racial and cultural tensions would not be as rosy in the capital.

Had this cultural shift happened in middle class heartlands, then there would be uproar. But not when it's in the unseen working class heartlands of the North.

Brexit was the first time that working class people had had an equal say in the political workings of the UK. They voted to end the cultural evisceration of their towns. They voted against their disenfranchisement, they voted against the bourgeoise governments that had forgotten them.

From the day of that working class victory in June 2016 the middle-class, the political class, the bourgeoise MPs and Lords, the corporations, the media, have all been working against the working class.

This is a class war, plain and simple.

Monday, 9 September 2019

Climate Change and Who Pays for it.

It's always struck me as odd that the poorest in society are paying extra taxes and tariffs to pay for climate change. Money which eventually goes to the pockets of the rich in the form of carbon trading and tariffs for corporations and rents for landowners with windfarms.

Not one poor person benefits.

But isn't it the rich, the owners of the big corporations and companies that belched out and continue to spew out massive amounts of carbon that should be paying?

Aren't they the ones that took huge profits and therefore benefitted and continue to benefit from the big corporations? The poor didn't benefit from those corporations, they didn't see those profits. No, they went upwards, which is exactly the direction the carbon taxes should be heading now. Payback.

Why are the poor paying?

Why aren't the rich paying?

Just saying....