It's always struck me as odd that the poorest in society are paying extra taxes and tariffs to pay for climate change. Money which eventually goes to the pockets of the rich in the form of carbon trading and tariffs for corporations and rents for landowners with windfarms.
Not one poor person benefits.
But isn't it the rich, the owners of the big corporations and companies that belched out and continue to spew out massive amounts of carbon that should be paying?
Aren't they the ones that took huge profits and therefore benefitted and continue to benefit from the big corporations? The poor didn't benefit from those corporations, they didn't see those profits. No, they went upwards, which is exactly the direction the carbon taxes should be heading now. Payback.
Why are the poor paying?
Why aren't the rich paying?
Just saying....
This thing’s not unlike the Eloi and Morlocks
It does seem to me that there are some quite fundamental things missing
from this account from a lady in a “quiet market town”:
At 5pm today in the middl...
1 day ago
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