Wednesday, 6 March 2024

GCHQ I see You.

Right, this has gone on for a few days now.  Contact me directly. 

Tuesday, 5 March 2024


I don't know which post of mine triggered your investigation, but just to let you know, I can see you.

That is all.

No need to spy, no need for illicit software.

I assume you are quite new at this. Young? inexperienced? Or poorly trained? 

Do better. 

Political Class Not Mentally Equipped to Defeat Extremism.

Rishi Sunak's speech in Downing Street the other day shows that the political class in this country are not mentally equipped to deal with the very real threat toward them and democracy.

Islamic extremism I can get, because it was palpable last week outside Parliament, as it has been for several weeks on the streets of our towns and cities, waving Palestinian flags and shouting anti-Semitic chants. Or for several years in our neighbourhoods. With no pushback from the Police, it must be added.

But to then mention far-right extremism? Who exactly is this far right he is talking about? Was that a sop to Labour.

Because I know who is running the streets of our cities, I know who is running a parallel economy, sending money to terrorist organisations, living by different laws, recruiting in jails and on the streets.

And it's not the far-right.

And this is my criticism of the political class and the middle class. They have some sort of mental block when it comes to Islamic extremism, it's as if it doesn't exist. Maybe it's cultural racism, maybe the middle class think that's how ALL Muslims act? Maybe they just don't understand the culture and can't define the difference between the religion and the politics of Islam. I'm forming the opinion that the political and middle classes just think that extremism and child rape are just part of Muslim culture. It's just something Muslims do. That is such a racist way of thinking, that Muslims are not intelligent or educated enough to act in a civil manner or understand what they are doing. They understand alright.

The political and middle classes see it as tolerance, as some sore of virtue they want to signal. That they are tolerant and not bigoted...right up to the point of extinction. Of course they will look at my words and be horrified, they do not understand I am not intolerant. I have seen a threat to democracy and the Western Way of life, a threat to our culture. It has consumed communities across the country. Bit by bit, drip by drip. I'm a practical person and say what I seen. It's just that it came to my community decades before yours.

Maybe they see far-right fascists in every rowdy working-class person with a bit of a gob and a dislike of their heritage being destroyed? Maybe that "type" is easier to see because they think that's what far-right is?

No idea, but having lived with and amongst immigrants all my life (one of my mates as a kid back in the 60's was Indian) , I don't have that middle-class blindness. I saw when the Muslim extremists started to arrive and push all the decent (Indian) immigrants out of the way, or brainwash the children of moderate Muslims. It came with Islamic money, the money to convert Christian Churches to Mosques (what a laugh they had about that), the money to install a completely separate lifestyle and provide an insulated community, with no need to integrate. 

The money was there to set people up in Business to involve themselves in local politics where the power is and to promote the Muslims above others. 

Deutschland Uber Alles? White Supremacists? Far Right? Don't make me laugh. Muslims now have the money and power to ensure supremacy. 

Read about what sparked the so-called race riots in Oldham. The earmarking of money to beautify Muslim areas but none for predominantly white areas, chasing the Muslim bloc vote. Decades ago.

The political class has yet to understand Islam is not JUST a religion. Sure, it is that , but also much more. It's an ideology that perfuses every aspect of a Muslim's life. It is a religion, it is political, it is above all a conquering, Empire-building ideology. It wants to consume, take over and make what is yours, theirs. If you do not understand that, then you do not understand Islam.

Muslims don't need wars to take over countries. They settle, they move in, they multiply and then start to take over political power thanks to their block vote. The political class don't see it coming until it's too late and they lose power but I have, ever since they came to the UK. I saw that this new wave of immigrants were different. They didn't integrate, they didn't set up their own self-help centres. They set up ghettos, they demanded community centres, Mosques, interpreters and they wanted special treatment. Ever since the Seventies, we have pandered to the Muslim mob. Now it's biting the political class in the backside.

Far-right. Fuck me, the government couldn't identify a threat even if it was lobbing firebombs through the windows of Parliament. They'd still deny the real culprits and blame it on some non-existent bogeyman.