Tuesday 23 August 2022

Don't Fall for Communism. We need Moderation and soon.

It seems that throughout history, that Communism when it has sprung up has eventually failed.

Usually after a large number of deaths of ordinary citizens, before communist governments realise the gig is up and they can no longer control the masses and then (as we saw in the Early Nineties) the people rather violently take back control. 

I can hear a lot of chatter about how Communism would solve all the ills of the Western World. I can see the attractions of the Communist philosophy, I really can. It is seductive: everyone works for the common good, everyone gets rewarded and everyone is looked after.

Bu what that means is that everyone is condemned to a meagre existence. There is no aspiration, no reward. Everything is or the good of the party (not the people) and aspiration and reward are consigned to decadent history.

DO NOT fall for the communist philosophy. It is seductive for those at the bottom of the heap. Those that cannot get a house, those on minimum wage, those who cannot aspire. Taking back resources from the rich seems a fair and equitable result for the exploitation of the workers. 

But, Communism keep you repressed. It keeps you existing, when humans want and need to live. 

Yes, the rampant, unfettered, corrupt capitalism we have at the moment does need to be reigned in. The acquisition of extreme personal and especially corporate wealth needs to be  looked at and if necessarily dealt with. 

With corporations, I would  end the maximisation of profits by minimising wages, eradicating research and development and instead paying insane amounts of profits in dividends to shareholders. 

Corporations that try and avoid paying corporation tax ion the UK on profits earned in the UK should be penalised.

Corporations that maximise profits by paying a large percentage of their workforce minimum wage should be penalised too.

Corporations that refuse to invest in their own corporations by paying decent living wages and by not investing in research and/.or development should likewise also be penalised.

I would find other ways to curtail the excessive profits for instance of the energy companies and utility companies.  We rely in their products and the price of their products is of national significance. Such industries should have a higher level responsibility and if necessary control.

I would not jump on the Full Socialist or Communist train. I will nudge corporations, especially global corporations towards re-investment in the UK, not asset-stripping, or shipping money abroad.

Not least, if there is a push towards Communism from the left, then there will equally be a push-back and a move towards Fascism from the opposite spectrum. We are seeing the latter at the moment, with restrictions on all sorts of facets of our lives. 

We need a middle ground, we need moderation in government and governance.

Monday 22 August 2022

Plans Afoot for the Strike with the Least Public Sympathy.

 Yes Barristers, that lowly minimum-wage-earning bunch of workers, those workers in desperate need of a wage rise are going on Strike.

I'm sorry, but I've no sympathy with barristers. Yes, they earn about the same as me when they are starting, then it just rises as they get more experience.

Barristers, especially new ones are complaining that the unpaid time they put into cases means that they could actually be earning minimum wage.

But they are self-employed, so there is no "employer" as such. It's the same in most professions that you actually put more time in than you book out, because eventually you get experience and then start to earn the big bucks. 

Most professions are like this. That's what a profession is, what being a professional is. The same applies to doctors. Junior doctors put the hours in to get the experience and eventually earn the big money as a specialist, or in the case of General Practice sit around drinking tea and avoid seeing anyone.

Most managers in companies will tell you they put more hours in than they actually get paid for. It's part of the job. Hopefully there are other benefits that are worth the extra hours.

When I was working self-employed as an I.T. consultant, I put the hours in. I didn't book all of the hours I worked. I worked most nights until 7pmto get the experience and get the job done. When I was an I.T. manager, it was the same: I was on call virtually 24/7 and worked longer hours than my salary was calculated for.

That's what independent professionals do. 

What Barristers are asking for, is essentially a degrading of their job status from professional to salaried or hourly wage worker. 

A bit like the incessant move from all angles including the HMRC to class EVERYONE as salaried or hourly wage workers, rather than independent self-employed contractors. 

IR35, the rules introduced by Blair's Labour Party that decimated the I.T. industry, then went through media and now are buggering up the NHS.

The targeting of independent specialist nurses and doctors in the NHS in the past two years of course has nothing to do with the staff shortages the NHS is experiencing right now. No, can't be that an exodus of Nurses to private health care, or Health Care abroad has occurred leaving the NHS starved of staff.

Anyway, I digress. Barristers are the last people that should be striking. They are comparatively well-paid and (if they do well and put the hours in) have the ability to earn well above the average wage.

Strike away, but you won't get my support and I suspect you won't get the support of the majority of the public either..