Tuesday 8 October 2024

Setting Up a Narrative: Tyranny In Action.

The latest news is that that MI5 is saying that Russian spies are trying to create mayhem on the streets of the UK.

I assume this is a direct reference to the recent riots.

I also assume this is another attempt to de-legitimise the protests, now that the "far-right" narrative has largely failed to gain traction because it's patently obvious the people involved weren't far-right and they actually had legitimate concerns.

The independent media in the form of blogs and videos has largely debunked the far-right narrative. Those of us that are working class saw through that straight away. It could be us on the streets if kids in our town were murdered.

The government and media then went on to try and make Tommy Robinson some far right arch villain, directing the riots from abroad. Except it's quite clear on his videos, if you care to look, that he was doing no such thing and was advising against violence as it plays into the hands of the corrupt government.

So the latest narrative is (in an attempt to gain some sympathy from the working class) that the rioters weren't far right (as we all are aware), but instead they were pawns in some 3D chess game between Putin and the West. Or Iran and the West. Or something. If they were innocent pawns, why are they serving maximum sentences in jail. Or is this now some way to wind back the narrative once the lawsuits and appeals start winning for unlawful arrests and imprisonment?

Yeah, try again MI5. If the rioters were duped by anyone, it was the Policemen dressed up in dark clothes wearing facemasks that directed the riots towards the migrant hotels and started kicking the doors in. 

The real reason why Tommy Robinson is now such an existential threat to the authorities is he's learned and adapted to their tactics. There may have been a time when he would have been kicking the doors in and having a good old scrap himself. But that was back then. 

Nowadays, Tommy has learned to protest peacefully, he has learned to Police those that attend the peaceful protests so that they remain peaceful. During the last two protests, he has banned facemasks, so that those causing trouble can be identified. 

Lo and behold, no violence. Because the undercover Police that would have been geared up and pretending to harass the Police, so the Police could start to charge in and make arrests, have been neutralised.

If you don't believe what I'm saying there are videos of various protests where you get someone threatening Police (as you would in a training exercise) but never getting battered or arrested, but the people beside them are arrested.

If the Police go in and snatch people, they will have the optics of snatching clearly peaceful protesters. So the authorities now have to make up some new excuse to de-legitimise the protesters. They are  not patriots, they are acting on the orders of Russian spies. If you join them, you are siding with Russia, Iran or some other country we don't agree with.

Tommy is due to come back into the UK any day now. He's cleverly stayed away from the UK as the authorities feverishly try and come up with a reason to hold him under terror laws or some such.

Terror laws that were used to hold Tommy at a port before he left the UK. Terror laws that have been used against reporters reporting the truth about the Israel-Gaza conflict. Basically terror laws that have been used against anyone not adhering to the government narrative. 

Ignore political differences, the people held under terror laws would I assume not like each other's viewpoint. But look at the common denominator: the government. Both sides conflict with the government narrative and so have to be silenced. 

That is tyranny, right there.

As an aside, were the machete-wielding Muslims that turned out when it was said that there were going to be 100 far-right protests Russian patsies? 

Was the Pakistani guy that spread the rumour that the guy that killed the kids in Southport was a Muslim a Russian Patsy? 

Really, MI5? Is this the best you can do? 

Monday 7 October 2024

Who is Sue Gray and How Is She Involved in Both Tory and Labour Governments?

 Sue Gray has come from the Civil Service to firstly condemn Boris Johnson for "Partygate" and then was included in the Labour government as a special advisor on more money than the Prime Minister.

She's now resigned, but been given a lower salary (but still very well-paid) job elsewhere in government. Nice and cushy.

But the more I see of the posts she's been appointed to the more I wonder if she's a WEF minder. You know, there in the wings making sure the PM toes the WEF line and if they think about going against the WEF some scandal will emerge.

I mean, we had the wobble the other week with rumours of super-injunctions going wild round the internet and I just wonder if that was a shot across the bows (politically) of Kier Starmer.

I seems a coincidence that a week later she's gone. 

There are no coincidences in politics.

I wonder if her instructions to the PM were a bit to much too soon for the government to stomach. 

Yes, we've had the cutting of the winter fuel allowance, but I do wonder if Sue Gray was pushing the government for more cuts. 

I predict that if Starmer has pushed back against the WEF then within the next two weeks, the government and Starmer in particular will be heavily briefed against, think Liz Truss.

Super-injunction be damned, I suspect there will be a leak in another country about Starmer. I also suspect Angela Rayner will also come under pressure.

The Labour cabinet come across as a bunch of clueless middle-management types, completely out of their depth when it comes to running the country. Do they look like competent professionals to you? 

My message to Starmer is this: It's now or never, you either have balls or you don't. Start issuing international arrest warrants for those that are attempting to coerce the government into actions against the British public. It's nice being part of the club, but as you are finding out, membership is by the most tenuous of threads. 

I know the names, but without the sort of evidence you can supply, I would be sued into oblivion if I mentioned or even hinted at a name. Kier, you will have written logs, email communications and call recordings. Time to be a man and cast the cloak of corruption aside and do the decent thing.