Monday 7 October 2024

Who is Sue Gray and How Is She Involved in Both Tory and Labour Governments?

 Sue Gray has come from the Civil Service to firstly condemn Boris Johnson for "Partygate" and then was included in the Labour government as a special advisor on more money than the Prime Minister.

She's now resigned, but been given a lower salary (but still very well-paid) job elsewhere in government. Nice and cushy.

But the more I see of the posts she's been appointed to the more I wonder if she's a WEF minder. You know, there in the wings making sure the PM toes the WEF line and if they think about going against the WEF some scandal will emerge.

I mean, we had the wobble the other week with rumours of super-injunctions going wild round the internet and I just wonder if that was a shot across the bows (politically) of Kier Starmer.

I seems a coincidence that a week later she's gone. 

There are no coincidences in politics.

I wonder if her instructions to the PM were a bit to much too soon for the government to stomach. 

Yes, we've had the cutting of the winter fuel allowance, but I do wonder if Sue Gray was pushing the government for more cuts. 

I predict that if Starmer has pushed back against the WEF then within the next two weeks, the government and Starmer in particular will be heavily briefed against, think Liz Truss.

Super-injunction be damned, I suspect there will be a leak in another country about Starmer. I also suspect Angela Rayner will also come under pressure.

The Labour cabinet come across as a bunch of clueless middle-management types, completely out of their depth when it comes to running the country. Do they look like competent professionals to you? 

My message to Starmer is this: It's now or never, you either have balls or you don't. Start issuing international arrest warrants for those that are attempting to coerce the government into actions against the British public. It's nice being part of the club, but as you are finding out, membership is by the most tenuous of threads. 

I know the names, but without the sort of evidence you can supply, I would be sued into oblivion if I mentioned or even hinted at a name. Kier, you will have written logs, email communications and call recordings. Time to be a man and cast the cloak of corruption aside and do the decent thing.

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