Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Importing Terror

 It seems record numbers of illegal immigrants are reaching the shores of the UK, in the last gasp before the weather turns wintery for good, we've had a rush of so-called "asylum Seekers" arrive on our shores.

So many the Border Farce and RNLI can't keep up. Either that or the people smugglers are getting so proficient at avoiding said authorities (you have to ask, given they get free 4 star hotel rooms why they would do that) that they are actually now getting to the beaches unchecked in increasing numbers.

The night time invasions are increasing too. The anecdotal evidence of weapons being smuggled ashore at night are not so far fetched. People by day, guns by night. It's a lucrative trade. And a deadly one for the people of the UK.

Especially the Gay people of the UK, who have seemingly borne the brunt of another terrorist attack, this time in Birmingham. Same M.O. as the terrorist in Reading. Stab random victims in a predominantly Gay area. Sorry, but two now is not a coincidence.

What fucks me off though is that the sell-out corporate shills in organisations like StoneWall stay silent. If this was a straight-on-Gay fight, they would be up in arms demanding Gay rights and protection from the Police.

But make the killer a Muslim, A Muslim "asylum Seeker" and the fuckers are as silent as anything. 

But that's the left for you: devoid of reason, without a rational clue about fuck all in the real world. Poncey Politics outweigh reality. 

It does make me wonder how far these organisation have to be pushed?  When the Muslim Mullahs take over control of Birmingham and start to close down Gay establishments. will they find their voice? 

Right now, those of us who understand, who have lived in Muslim areas, who understand the majority Muslim view isn't the same as the Muslims you see in the Media.

The people that believe the mouthpeices are in for a big shock the first time they taste Muslim majority rule. Think living in a majority Muslim country won't be bad? Rear up on how quickly Iran changed from the model of a modern Muslim state, to the extremist religious fundamentalist pariah it is today. It changed almost overnight.

Right now, the import of thousands of Muslims poses an existential threat to the modern Western way of life. It's a way of life that has given equality to everyone regardless of race, or gender or sexuality. They have been hard fought for by thousands of people, over hundreds of years. 

The numbers of Muslims coming into the country is a threat to all of that work. Feminism will fall, Gay rights will be abolished. If you can't see that in our future, then you are either naïve or stupid. 

Stop looking to the right for the bogeyman, the thereat from the right has been extinguished. 

The threat now comes from the left, the threat to your communities is YOU. YOU are allowing enemies of your community to come into the country unchecked, YOU are allowing them to persecute your communities already, YOU are allowing them to murder people in your community without standing up and highlighting the issue.

And if YOU don't stand up now, YOU will be allowing the Muslims to make the rules and you and your communities will be living lives under threat and all those hard-won rights you so dearly chanted about during the Sixties, the Seventies, the Eighties and the Nineties will evaporate away.