It seems very clear that the people caught up in the Windrush problem, or their parents should accept some level of blame for the issues coming home to roost this week.
You'd think the parents of the children coming to settle in the UK would at some point ensure their children were able to stay in the UK legally, rather than leaving it up to chance and whimsy...
But then the children themselves: If someone choses to live in the UK for 50 years or so, why the heck haven't they gone through the process of applying for a UK passport? That simple task would have solved all of the issues now appearing.
50 years, so several Jamaican passports would have had to be renewed in that time. maybe 5 opportunities to think "maybe it's time I actually put down roots here and got a UK passport". Maybe 5 opportunities where they were told "you really need to get naturalised you know....".
But no, for some reason during 5 decades of residence they decided to stick with a Jamaican passport despite as they have stated having no ties to Jamaica.
The mind boggles.
And although I'm not entirely devoid of sympathy (after all being hauled away at the crack of dawn under the threat of being deported is no fun), at the back of my brain something is saying come on, accept some responsibility yourself.
” I'm struggling to understand what has caused this…”
Sometimes you read something that just, well....
A former animal shelter worker who attempted to sell human toes coughed up
by the dog of a dead man has *...
3 hours ago