Friday, 1 December 2023

What is "Populist"?

 "Populist" has been used as a derogatory term for the past decade, but what is it exactly?

It's listening to the population (The popul bit of populist: literally "of the population"), it means exactly whet democracy was supposed to do: have the politicians listen to the people that vote for them.

If populist is being used as a derogatory term, the people using it as such are not democratic. Instead they are authoritarian. Otherwise why would they use it as a slur?

Just remember when people use populist to slur someone, hat they are actually saying is "I support authoritarianism and reject democracy".

That is all.

Has The Time Come to Form a New Standing Army of the People?

It seems that the Police do not like the working class. It seems the Government don't like the working class, it seems that the working class have lost the political landscape. 

The views of the working class are not represented in Politics, despite Government relying on the working class to provide their sons and daughters to fill the places in the Armed Forces to do the fighting and dying on their behalf.

Has the time come to boycott the Armed forces and stop our kids joining?

Has the time come for the working class to form a standing army, to protect themselves from the predations of the Police and others? 

I think the point has arrived that it's pretty clear that the working class are actively being supressed. Politically, and physically so we cannot air grievances by protesting. 

As governments only seem to respond to violence or threats of violence, should an working class army be formed that (a) protects the working class from the Police, at a equal or more aggressive level and with more manpower than the Police can muster?