Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Labour Commit Political Suicide.

Last night the vast majority of Labour MPs voted against the European Union (Withdrawl) Bill, in direct conflict with the wishes of the majority of the population (who voted to leave the EU), in direct conflict with the Majority of Northern normally Labour-supporting voters who also voted to leave the EU and in direct conflict with the actual process of leaving the EU.

Had they one iota of gumption about them they would have realised that the powers they were complaining about were actually conferred on the unelected EU, exactly the issue that prompted voters (myself included) to vote to leave the EU.

At least the bill confers powers onto elected officials we can vote out of office, rather than the unelected beaurocrats of Brussels.

Where were the majority of Labour MPs when Tony Blair promoted the European Constitution? Where were they when Gordon Brown signed the Lisbon Treaty? Lining up to applaud, exactly in polar opposition to their sentiments last night.

It seems the Labour will do away with the will of the people just for the sake of damaging their opponents.

It seems the Labour Party will vote against the will of the people in order to fight their internal squabbles.

It is clear the Labour party will vote against the will of their own supporters in order to further both of the above.

Above all it is clear that the leaders of the labour party would rather destroy the party itself than do what their voters demand of them.

Anyone who votes Labour any any further elections, with the current leadership in place should very seriously reconsider their vote. The Labour party does not support the will of the people, they do not suport democracy and only those MPs that voted to support movement towards Brexit should be supported by labour voters at the next election.

It's time the Chealsea socialists, the posh-Trots and the loony left of Liverpool get a bloody nose and some bloody sense knocked into the party that supposedly supports the workers of this country.

I would hope that the huge Labour vote against the Brexit Bill last night signals the death of the party of Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Ed Milliband and Jeremy Corbyn. All of those Labour leaders who to a man have not put the faithful Labour voter first.

The Need for a New Political Party Grows...

....but not the party the Elite want us to have.

There is much noise about at the moment regarding a New Political party. Depending on your sources the new party could come from the left or the right, not that those labels mean anything anymore and haven't for years.

The main political parties serve global corporate masters. Even Jeremy Corbyn's pseudo-trot New/Old/Red Labour party. How many times has Jeremy been off-message from his own party, for the party to release a statement to "clarify" what he actual meant even if he didn't actually say it.

UKIP was severely castrated after the referendum win because it lost it reason for existence. Nigel Farage is a shrewd political player and saw the light and jumped ship.

But where does that leave the conservative with a small c, low-tax, pro-Brexit, anti-immigration, anti-corporate exploitation working class voter these days?

Certainly not the Liberal Democrats. Their policies are not for the working man. More the Metropolitan middle class, which is why their vote is so low.

Not with UKIP any more. UKIP are a busted flush. After the referendum they had the chance to take advantage of the win and the pro-Brexit voter base in the North and then use that to re-brand the party to move to become the working man's political advocate. Instead they imploded badly. Now there is a very high risk of them becoming a banner for the far right rather than the moderate middle.

Labour have done a slow-motion version of the UKIP thing. Sticking Jeremy Corbyn into the lead role, as some ancient Trot, amiable old duffer leader reminds me of the Michael Foot days, but Corbyn is less disastrous because there's a gullible young generation that haven't experienced a gullible fool backed by corporate masters. The Labour party is no longer the party to promote the working class, not since the polished sheen of the Tony Blair days. Their paymasters the Unions are no longer the working class advocates they once were.  Very much big corporations these days, parasitically leaching off the worker. More like insurance companies these days. A Labour party that looks down on the working class, who constantly does down the country's ideals is not for me.
High-tax, high-spend, high wastage and little political talent, the Labour cabinet would we run rings round by the more savvy players in the Elite.

Then we come to the Conservatives, which haven't really promoted the working class since the 80's. 'Nuff said.

So, back to the question; just where does a working class bloke that is struggling to pay his bills, is pretty pissed off with the excesses of major corporations at the worker's expense, who wants big corporations to pay the proper rate of tax so he can pay less tax himself, who wants a government that actually works, does things and doesn't go through the motions, who wants the government and other institutions to promote the UK rather than do it down, who wants restrictions on corporate lobbyists, who wants decent wages and the abolition of the obscenity that is in-work-benefits, who just wants a party that promotes his interest lay his hat?

Nowhere yet it seems. Hopefully there will be a realisation that a new party is necessary and one appears with the attributes I can vote for. Sadly I think there isn't a wealthy philanthropist out there willing to back a party to the tune it needs to succeed and neither can enough working people band together so supply the funds to make a successful party either.