I knew this was coming a decade ago when Blair last tried to get ID cards in the UK.
The UK is one of the last bastions in the West holding out against the idea of mandatory ID cards and having to produce papers to show ID.
But the Idea is creeping back now, creepy being the ideal adjective to describe Blair and his unwillingness to disappear from the World stage, only to pop up to back the latest authoritarian proposal. The previous time was on the side of Bill Gates and the issue of vaccinations. And we all know how well vaccinations have gone now, don't we? Basically Blair is always on the wrong side of history.
I'm guessing 2023 will be the year of ID cards. There's now a proposal about to go before Parliament to make sure that illegal migrants if deported never allowed back in the country.
A good idea, if you actually deported any migrants. Currently the acceptance rate is something like 90%.
You could argue that this proposal will tackle those illegals that disappeared from the migrant hotels, or arrived on the beaches and evaded the authorities.
But how do you identify and illegal immigrant, as opposed to a legal one? Targeting "migrant looking people" will be out as that will be classed as racist, so the only option will be ID cards.
Then everyone gets asked to "produce ze papers", avoiding the racist issue.
Also, this push to voter ID I'm sure, will be another nudge towards ID cards.
But this is yet another nail in the coffin for personal freedom. Makes you wonder if the migrant crisis is a manufactured crisis. A crisis of such massive proportions, the only way to sort it out will be a reduction in personal freedom.
When actually we should be free as a nation to reject everyone crossing our border without permission rather than reducing freedom within our border..