Over the past decade, I've noticed people try and have a go at grasping the essence of "Britishness". You know, that thing that Socialist, Communists and everyone else that wants a piece of UK PLC hates. The fact that those in charge and those that want to be in charge hate Britishness so much is the reason the country is in the fucked-up paranoid state its in at the moment. Those at the top have an identity crisis because the identity the majority of us want to project, the image that gets tourists flocking here and gets us respect around the world, is the very thing they want to snuff out and replace with their own regime.
Many would argue that iconic Britishness is stuff like cricket, pubs, quirky practices passed on from history.
But I'd argue that Britishness isn't about the visuals, its about ideology.
Its about fair play, respect, democracy and yes, sticking the boot in to teach people a lesson when we're threatened.
So, if fair play and democracy are quintissentially British, why are we in the corrupt, undemocratic European super-state?
The same question can be asked of Sharia Law: Why in some cases is it being allowed to supercede Bristish laws and conventions, to the detriment of (especially female) British citizens?
Why have we recinded age-old acts of Parliament, in favour of new rules from the EU?
Why have we swapped our age-old legal system with all its enshrined protections like "innocent until PROVEN guilty" for a flawed, unfair one?
Why haven't we, as a nation put the boot in and stopped this subsumation of Britishness by foreign ideology?
It really is time the wholesale destruction of all things British was halted. Lets be honest, I've long since argued that things can't be preserved in aspic and progress will always happen. But why replace something that has worked for centuries with something worse?
Its about time we stopped apologising for being British, stopped the Bristish-haters in their tracks and started to reverse the aparrent slide into a Muslim/Marxist super-state.
It makes you wonder why people want to destroy everything that stands for Britishness. Is it because they know, in the end its a far fairer, far better way of life than the one they have?
Our mottos should be: "We are British, we stand for freedom from tyranny, we stand proud, and we'll kick the living daylights out of anyone that denys us our Britishness".
” I'm struggling to understand what has caused this…”
Sometimes you read something that just, well....
A former animal shelter worker who attempted to sell human toes coughed up
by the dog of a dead man has *...
9 hours ago