Right, here's the bottom line: this country is doomed if it continues on its current course.
Right now, if we don't split from the E.U. within the next 5-10 years, we will never be able to. Even now it may be difficult, as we don't have resources and armed forces with which to fight.
Fight, I hear you ask?
Yes, fight. Because to split from the EU would mean war. We've already seen Ireland refuse to toe the EU line by voting no the Lisbon treaty first time round, only to be effectively forced to vote the "correct" way a second time. Democracy died that day, as the first vote should have been honoured, not have a whole country forced to vote again "until they get it right".
Now imagine that anti-EU feeling rises so far in the UK that a party gains power with a mandate to split from the EU immediately.
Would the EU allow that party to gain power? I'm sceptical. I assume there would be huge amounts of negative press and briefings against any anti-EU party. I would imagine there would be several assaults, both political and personal against the senior members. It would be a huge task to fight through the negativity, given that the EU has several national budgets with which to fight.
If such a party got into power, Would the EU stand idly by as the UK splits from the EU? Its hard to say, but given the Irish experience, one has to assume the EU has no regard for the democratic process and would resort to forcibly ensuring the UK stays a member of the EU.
Would the UK be able to resist? Would British forces be able to win against an invasion by the combined forces of the EU? If it happened today there may be a chance, after all we're nuclear-capable, so have the ability to use the ultimate deterrent. But then so are the French. Worse still, as our forces are whittled away by our pro-EU governments, the chances get slimmer. With closer collaboration with other EU forces, comes an intimate knowledge of our capabilities and weaknesses. With more dependance on shared resources as opposed to an independant force, the chances get slimmer.
Make no doubt, this is a very slippery slope we're on.
The American War of Independance was started because of increasing legislation and taxation by a British Parliament where the American colonists weren't represented. The same applies to the EU commission: why the fuck should we accept legislation imposed upon us by a body we have no direct electoral control over?
We either accept the end of the UK as an independant, sovreign entity, or we say enough is enough and start to do something about it. I for one, plan to become more active in "doing something about it" in the new year.
” I'm struggling to understand what has caused this…”
Sometimes you read something that just, well....
A former animal shelter worker who attempted to sell human toes coughed up
by the dog of a dead man has *...
10 hours ago