Friday 14 May 2021

Labour: Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong!

 Well, the fallout from the local elections and the Hartlepool election continues. Labour are bitching amongst themselves as to the best way to move forward and supposedly gain voters.

All I've heard so far from Labour will condemn them to oblivion. 

So far I've heard in the media that to gain votes, Labour have to:

End the infighting within the party. 

They need a leader and they should all follow them. Unfortunately the far left wing of the party can't help themselves bitching and going on record coming out with lunatic ideas. Ideas that the traditional Labour voter will not countenance voting for.

What the far left mean when they say solidarity, inclusion and tolerance is the opposite. They want total control of the party, it's ideology and it's policies. No compromise, no acceptance they might be wrong.

It's akin to a religion: they know they are right, they think they have the moral high ground and they would rather raze the party to the ground than compromise or realise that the majority of Labour voters just don't like their policies.

What needs to happen is that Labour need a consistent voice, common sense policies and a leader that leads.

Bring Back the Polices of the last Election (the Dianne Abbott hypothesis).

Don't make me laugh. Labour suffered it's biggest defeat since (I think) 1935. Even the rolling hills of Mill towns in the North rejected the policies wholeheartedly.

When you are on a low wage and all you see in the future is an influx of cheap labour and wages decreasing even further, you have to ask why would the party you traditionally vote for promote the influx of even more people?

Labour have to stop supporting illegal immigration. They also have to support limited legal migration based on the country's needs. We don't need any more unskilled labour. Labour are supporting a drive to the bottom wage-wise. People see it and don't like it. When you can have a better standard of living out of work on benefits, it's time to have a good hard look at employment policy as a whole. The first step is controlling the number of people in the country able to work. That also means controlling the number of people working in the dark economy, the off the books, cash in hand economy, the illegal immigrant employment economy.

By all means, support LEGAL immigration and also the acceptance of LEGAL refugees. But reject the influx of economic migrants arriving in the country illegally.

We don't need more workers (unless you are a big corporation looking for cheap labour).

Also in the last election the now-settled question of Brexit was in play. Labour would have had a second referendum (and therefore a manipulated result to defeat the original referendum). It was stupid, it was in opposition to most northern Labour voters who only saw vast amounts of money being paid to the EU for fuck all in return. 

Be Patriotic.

The majority of working class people are patriotic. Forget your Ex Republican Irish idiots in Liverpool, forget your metropolitan trots in London. The Labour heartland loves this country.

Ditch your bollocks about reparations from slavery, fuck off with your theories about Britain's colonial past. In fact rather than being ashamed of colonialism, the working class see that as being a winning situation. We conquered the majority of the globe. I see that as a win, something worth celebrating.

Ditch the Victim Culture.

What the working class don't celebrate is the cry-baby victim culture at play in the Labour party. 

You want to win? You need to embrace success, in all it's forms. Winning at sports, with no cheating. That means no chicks with dicks (or more accurately blokes with boobs) competing in women's sports. It also means ditching the victim culture that started in Liverpool. It's a great way to win an argument if you are a child, but an adult looking at you playing the victim is rightly going to think you're a bit of a cunt.

Start Being Fair on Tax.

Google, Amazon and all the other global companies need to start paying what they owe in tax. If they don't then we deny them the ability to do business. No offshore accounts, no paying corporation tax in Luxembourg. Pay it here and pay your fair share.

The same goes for offshore accounts in the Caymans. The top 1% need to pay up. Not need to go to the extreme of 50% tax rates, just stop the bleed of funds outside the country.

Play to the Majority, not Minorities.

Minorities need to understand they are just that: minorities. Therefore they should not be elevated beyond their true status in society. By all means celebrate and promote equality, but in the terms of their numbers in the population. 

Black people are in a minority. Muslim people are in a minority. LGBTQ+ people are in a minority. So why are Labour promoting their rights over the majority. By all means have equal rights, but for instance let's not let LGBTQ rights tread all over women's rights. If the majority of women feel uneasy about having blokes with boobs naked or semi-naked in the same room, then they have priority. They are in the majority and their right to not be raped, not have a penis flashed at them is just as valid if it were from a man, or a trans woman. Biological women have the right not to be put into that position.

When those current minorities become a majority, then by all means then they can dictate policy. But not before.

 Oh and by the way, ignoring the majority of people is not a good policy to get elected. I assume Diane Abbott is doing the Maths behind assumptions on support for Labour's policy decisions.

All in all, Labour are a disaster. They look like a disaster, they act like one, so they are one. People will not vote for them. Period.

Thursday 13 May 2021

COVID-19: The Eternal Lockdown: Yet anther strain hits UK shores

 Soooo, the media are starting to report that the Indian "double mutation" strain of the virus is taking hold in the UK.

Yet again, the release of restrictions may be delayed because of a new foreign variant of the virus. When will the government learn? Once they have information on a new strain emerging in a country, then close off contact with that country immediately. Not three weeks after getting information about the new strain.

Yet again, the UK public are going to be held ransom by a strain of the virus that emerged on the other side of the world. Yet again the freedom we crave is being denied. Yet again jobs are at risk from an extension of restrictions or even worse a new lockdown.

Believe me, any party in the next election that promises to cut off contact with the rest of the world immediately upon receiving information on a new virus, they will walk it. 

Any party that promises to preserve the standard of living in the country, just like New Zealand did, will win. It has to. Because the shit show we've had to put up with over the past year is unacceptable.