Well, it looks like the Police is fully committed to Political Russification. Except my cat has sharper teeth than the PC Police ever will.
So far we've seen the decades-long refusal to act over Religious Asian grooming gangs lest the Police be called racist.
The same thing is happening with the violent protesters causing criminal damage on the various protests across the country.
Thankfully the idiot that pissed on the Police memorial in Westminster has rightfully been prosecuted. I assume that was a step to far eh? Pissing on a fellow Police officer's memorial stone?
But what about the rest of us that are just as horrified watching statues lobbed into harbours, decapitated or defaced? Why can't we have the satisfaction on seeing those responsible apprehended and prosecuted.
No satisfaction for us. Instead the Police kneel in subjugation. Such is the power of a single adjective word beginning with R.
The statue in Bristol was a listed monument, damage to which can carry a 10-year prison sentence. So lets smack down those very identifiable students that did the deed. Let the Police ruin their lives and make an example of them.
Why is it those of us of a lower class have to fear our daily interactions with the Police, but a middle-class mob of students and hangers-on don't? Why do they get to act with impunity? Is it because we can't afford to sue? Are we denied justice, fairness and respect because we are poor? It seems that way.
No, it's Racism, or the risk of being called racist, that's what. The word that has paralysed the Police for decades in towns and cities across the country. The word that has allowed the rape of thousands of young girls. Children not even teenagers co-opted into drug addiction, rape and prostitution.
Think if the children... it seems only when it suits.
Think of law and order, only when it suits.
Justice....only when it suits.
Go after the anti-racist mob and you are therefore a racist apparently. Even if they broke the law, doing it in the name of anti- racism or anti-fascism appears to be a get out of jail free card.
Racism. It's always been a very powerful word. No it seems it has to power to grant you immunity from the law.
” I'm struggling to understand what has caused this…”
Sometimes you read something that just, well....
A former animal shelter worker who attempted to sell human toes coughed up
by the dog of a dead man has *...
9 hours ago