It seems some bloke decided he'd had enough of life and ended it, not long after appearing on the Jeremy Kyle show.
No-one will ever know the guy's motives for ending his life, but I assume his having appeared on the Jeremy Kyle show, things were not particularly rosy in his life. It could have actually been one of dozens of other reasons why he decided enough was enough.
But this is hardly a defence of Jeremy Kyle, far from it.
This sort of "navel-gazing" TV is the sort of lowest-common-denominator, cheap to make trash TV that really didn't deserve airtime. All the Jeremy Kyle show actually did was to allow the middle class to look down their noses at the lower classes.
Not one of the guests on the show could muster a full set of teeth, was one snide comment I heard. Without understanding that there are people in this country that cannot access decent dental services, because dentistry split from the "free at the point of provision" NHS decades ago.
Even NHS supported dental treatment is not cheap. Many people cannot afford the payments required even for NHS supported dental work. And I'm not blaming dentists, because the payments the NHS make for dental work is nowhere near the actual cost to a dentist.
So, many working class people have bad teeth. There's a reason for that and it serves the middle class better to understand the reasons, rather than make snide comments.
It also serves them better to understand what it is to be at the bottom of the income pile.
The guests on the Jeremy Kyle show reflected the problems that beset the UK. Poor education and schools, lack of moral guidance, dysfunctional families, lack of respect, drugs, lack of aspiration, the list goes on.
In a society where greed is rewarded, where the name of the game is to avoid taxes, and the only game in town is ever-increasing wealth, the supply of Jeremy Kyle guests is limitless.
In a society that cares about it's citizens and offers opportunity, there would be no guests for the Kyle show audience to gawk and laugh at....
” I'm struggling to understand what has caused this…”
Sometimes you read something that just, well....
A former animal shelter worker who attempted to sell human toes coughed up
by the dog of a dead man has *...
18 hours ago