Wednesday, 13 January 2021

COVID-19: Track and Trace Farce

 Here in the UK we've had a track & trace mobile phone available for months.

You'd think the app would be storing information on where confirmed cases of Covid transmission happened and that the government would be offering that information so the population could avoid high-risk areas.

B8ut no, we're not getting any information out of the app. No details of numbers tracked and traced, no information on the areas or activities most likely to transmit the virus, no information on areas or activities to avoid.

So, what is the point of the app?

Considering that we were obliged for a time to use the app to log in to every pub, restaurant, shop, ship, bus or train we used, there should be useful data coming out of it.

Are the shops that are staying open the highest risk infection vector?

Is public transport safe?

Is the reason the information isn't being made public because it contradicts government policy?

Looking at the stats produced by the NHS, I can tell how many females or males of a certain age were tested positive, I can see where they lived. I can drill down to individual towns and infection rates, how many were tested and how many tested positive..

But the important thing, where covid-positive people met and infected other people, where they actually caught the virus is missing. 

Is it the Supermarkets? Is Tescos more deadly that Sainsburys or Waitrose? Are killer busses roaming the streets?

Tuesday, 12 January 2021

COVID-19: Police Now Acting Unlawfully.

 So now we see the true colours of the bullying types that became Police officers. 

They're handing out fines for activities that are not prohibited by the Covid rules. 

The two women walking in the Park in Derby have been let off their fines. We have seen other fines have been issued by the Police and been eventually throw out.

Now if the Police can't know what the rules are and act in accordance with the actual law, then how the fuck are the public supposed to?

People fined for sitting on Park Benches, people fined for walking in parks because they have a flask of hot drink (classed by the bent copper as "a picnic").

For fucks sake Plod, sort yourself out. You can't keep handing out unlawful fines. Start acting within the law, otherwise you are just as bad as the crims you should be catching instead of arresting grannies for sitting on park benches.

The only saving grace is the Middle Classes are getting the same unlawful, unfair Bullshit interactions with the Police the working classes on the estates have been putting up with for decades.

Hopefully if enough of the chattering classes see this, feel this, there will actually be Police reform.

The Police in the UK do so by the consent of the people. When the Police lose that consent, when they start to act as an occupying force, then the jig is up. Time to disband them and rethink the Police anew.

We need to get back to the time when a Police Officer was a member of the community doing a job like anyone else, where they did the job with the consent and the backing of the community.

Finally, if the Police are acting unlawfully, who will arrest the Police?

Monday, 11 January 2021

One-Party America: What Next?

Interesting question. Now America is effectively a one-party state, will the Democrats set an example to the Trump supporters and show them how power is wielded with restraint, composure and class?

Er, Nah!

Already the more febrile Democrats are talking about "making lists" of Trump supporters. Not just people that actively worked for Trump, oh no,  they are going as far as to make lists of Trump campaign workers, people that worked for Trump while in office, but they are going as far as  anyone that has posted a positive opinion of Trump, liked a Trump tweet, retweeted one, or sent positive vibes even.

It's scary. That is the definition of totalitarianism. Just what are they going to do with these lists? Send people to the Gulag? Virtually, yes. There are calls to deplatform them, remove them from Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. To effectively deperson them.

The rabid leftists are talking about getting normal people removed from jobs. It's literally insane.

People had already been purged from social media. The President included. Just let that sink in: the President of the United States has been silenced. An act of war if a Nation State did it.

So, what next America? Well, all I can say is welcome to your new totalitarian state.