Thursday 26 September 2024

Labour, Less Like a Car Crash, More Like a Motorway Pile-Up

I refuse to comment on "SausageGate", mainly because I think it and other gaffes in the speech were at best an example of an amateur at work, at worst a deliberate ploy to distract from the rest of the speech.

The Labour tenure has been marked by one balls-up after another.  "Car-Crash-Kier"? I don't think so. It's like standing by a motorway on a foggy day and hearing the screech and thud as yet another car joins the pile-up.

Screech, Thud - The initial crash happens when Labour announce the scrapping of the winter heating allowance.

Screech, Thud - Another car joins the heap when Labour announce inflation-busting pay rises for their Union mates. So we knew why the pensioners have to suffer.

Screech, Thud - Millions are announced for foreign Aid to stop climate change. Er, it's warm in Africa for a reason, Kier. And not global warming. Where it is on the Globe might be a clue.

Screech, Thud - Kier announces that people will be locked up and maximum sentences delivered for mean tweets. Hardly a public menace, nor a public priority.

Screech, Thud - Kier announces that prisoners will be released from Jail early in order to make way for those despicable hurty-word people.

Screech, Thud - We get the ClothesGate scandal, which escalates into an admission the PM is the biggest freebie-grabber in history. He's closely followed by Angela Rayner. Just what is the price all those clothes, glasses and holidays? What favours will be called in? 

Screech, Thud - It's reported that prisoners are instantly re-offending because they don't have anywhere to go to after the botched release programme.

Screech, Thud - Did I say botched? Now we find out that the wrong prisoners have been released by mistake. Some serious offenders. The Police are trying to collect them back up - If they can find them, that is.

The pile-up continues to grow. I've missed some points, I'm sure. And there will be more to follow very soon.

It's almost like the people in the Cabinet don't know what they are doing. I just wondered if they were selected and hired for their ability or something else. I'm including the Prime Minister himself in that list. 

It doesn't look like ability came up in the job interview, does it?

So what's the something else? The ability to take orders from other organisations and people? Party Donors? Freebie-Buyers? Supra National organisations like the WEF? Just how did Kier get the job when he's do fucking useless at it? Or anyone else in the cabinet?

My prediction is that the budget will fleece ordinary people and will not harm rich people. Another car hurtling down that foggy motorway...

Monday 23 September 2024

Labour Budget: Are we Being Gaslighted?

All I heard from Rachael Reeves was exactly the opposite of what she's planning to do. 

I can understand the braying crowd of supporters taking in the aspirational sunny uplands speech, but those more cynical amongst us know what's coming.

Some of us also know what's being said in the meeting rooms of the Labour party. It's not good.

I've always said the Labour party is the party of jealousy. It made a switch from that in the first months of the Blair presidency, but then it slipped back to type.

Now there's no mask. They are going after those people they see as legitimate targets. Undeserving, unproductive pensioners were the first in the crosshairs.

Reeve's speech mentioned the closing of non-dom loopholes. Really? You're going to bugger things up for your biggest donors? Yeah, I don't think so.

Like I said, I feel like I'm being gaslighted. Labour talk a good talk, but you know damn sure that what they say will not be what they do.