Oliver Cromwell had the power to shake up Parliament and dethrone a King because he commanded an army that Parliament could not resist. An army that as always at that time consisted of the lower classes.
For the first time in my 50-odd years I can see such a citizen army forming and it isn't happy with Parliament.
The clamping down of free speech, deplatforming off the internet, the un-personing of anyone who dares to speak out against the status-quo.
These are all stirring up a citizen army, an army of people that feel unheard, ignored and disenfranchised. The strength of feeling for change is at last overwhelming the urge to vote on party lines. They are awakening to the fact that change will not happen unless they vote for something new.
All it needs is an Oliver Cromwell to catalyse that feeling...
I was watching the "This Week" programme last night, right up until Owen Jones had his spot on the programme. Calling working class people that don't follow his Marxist view of the World bigots, racists and right-wing terrorists was enough for me to switch the bloody thing off lest I put a boot through the screen.
Watching Owen Jones spout his nonsense is akin to hearing nails down a blackboard. It's cringy, it's also bollocks.
Sadly, because he has such an effect on me and because I turned the telly off, I missed his spat with Andrew Neil. I think he forgot it wasn't the Owen Jones show, but a political debate programme. You know, a debate is where two parties give opposing viewpoints and leave it up to the viewer to make their minds up.
What a debate isn't is where Owen Jones shouts over the top of the presenter and makes ranty accusations and looks like an immature, privileged, entitled, self-important Marxist twat.
Not that he can help looking like an immature, privileged, entitled, self-important Marxist twat because every time I observe him, that's what he comes over as.
Here's his rant:
On the Guido Fawkes comments section about this I put:
"Owen Jones misses the Point. Again. And Again. And Again. I've come to the view this is not idiocy on his part, but very deliberate. He calls the working class (the very people his party were created to champion) as thugs and racists and far-right terrorists because they don't share his Marxist-skewed view of the world. When they get fed up with trolls like him pushing a middle-class champagne socialist pro-everything-but-working-class agenda and start to take him to task, he's suddenly being harassed. His numerous slurs against the working class shows he's incapable of understanding the true situation and the disenfranchisement of the very people he's supposed to support and the reasons for the rise of bad feeling against class traitors like him. Owen Jones' viewpoint is I suspect that all "true" working class people are radical Marxists and shouldn't aspire to anything else that working in increasingly non-existent factories and should never aspire to better themselves lest they fall into the clutches of the capitalist Conservatives"
I have a problem with Owen Jones and the people associated with the labour party like him. They despise the true working class, those of us that don't sit in Mancunian hovels and read Marx and Engels and dream of revolution, or live in Liverpool and quote class struggle and talk in terms of oppressed and oppressors, or live in West London and belong to the Labour party because it's trendy, whilst swigging champagne and living in million pound houses.
I have a problem with Union bosses that take money from the working class and set themselves up in London penthouses paid for from Union coffers and pay themselves six figure salaries and dine in the same expensive restaurants as the supposed bourgeoisie.
I have a problem with Labour councils that take advantage of voters who can't vote for anyone other than Labour, that take their position in power for granted and spunk money on irrelevant and unnecessary projects.
I have a problem with a Labour party that champions anything but the working class.
I have a problem with a Labour party that thinks redistribution of wealth is to take money off me in higher tax and redistribute it to people that do not deserve it.
This is the problem I have with the Labour party and their acolytes, who are supposed to look after my interests as a working class person.
Blue-collar White van man with his Saint George flag is a subject of derision by Emily Thornberry, another supposed champion of the working class that in reality absolutely abhors them.
Gillian Duffy, a Labour supporter taking Gordon Brown to task about immigration is a "Bigoted Woman".
Instead Owen Jones and his ilk sit in their privileged positions and promote anything but the working class. They then get upset when the working class take them to task about it. Suddenly the working class are bigots, racists, fascists, alt-right terrorists. Anything but fed-up, pissed-off working class taking them to task about their world view. How DARE the working class take them to task, the ungrateful wretches?
Here's Owen Jones' report on This Week in full:
The Right are violent terrorists and the Left like Antifa aren't?
Like the one-trick pony he really is, on last night's This Week programme he blamed his harassment last Monday on thugs, racists, bigots the alt-right and the supposedly right-wing press
What right-wing press? The Daily Mail has gone to the left in recent times.
Of course what OJ is signalling that everything to the right of his viewpoint is far-right. Basically anyone that isn't a Marxist. Everything he says is framed from a far-left Marxist veiwpoint. Everyone that doesn't agree with him are far-right Fascist oppressors.
What he fails to understand is that the ordinary working class (the majority of us that are not rampant Communists) have sneeringly been called fascists and bigots and racists and far right for so long just for protecting our own interests that we don't give a shit any more.
We know who the real fascists are: those people that seek to close down debate, who dismiss us as irrelevant, those who seek to overturn the Brexit referendum, those that seek to use the Police to shut us up and make us disappear, those very people that label us as fascist.
Not sure why this popped in my head, but these things do occasionally.
There's a huge conundrum about the lack of dark matter in the universe.
Well, what if dark matter exists outside our ability to consciously observe it until we actually observe it and "fix" it in time and space?
For instance, there could be multiple universes just slightly ahead of us in time and the choices we make then "fix" the direction or path through the multiverse our decision makes.
Up until that time there are several multiverses worth of matter that are available, but they only become available after the fact. A bit like a ship ploughing a wake through a still sea. The wake can be in many directions but the ship only encounters the molecules of that bit of sea it glides through. Many more molecules are undisturbed by the passing of the ship and those that are disturbed become moved by the wake of the ship (what we define as the past).
If that were the case, there is always a boundary between the observable and unobservable universe (the stuff just outside the wake of the ship). There are a variety of experiments that defy current logic and it could be these that observe the effects of the sea just beyond the wake...
Inflation, the effect of the universe expanding and the galaxies accelerating away from the centre of the universe could be the effect of the unobservable universe just beyond the wake as our ship travels through time.
Even time itself could be the dark energy that scientists are looking for. We just travel through it and don't perceive it as energy or matter.
Well, it looks like Anna Soubry and Owen Jones, those people that think working class people are a joke, idiots and bigots and should be ignored have finally had some pushback.
Owen Jones, who has quite publicly trash-talked the working class and called them bigots and racists and all manner of slurs, doesn't seem to like it when he's called a traitor and a Nazi.
Anna Soubry, who appears on TV endlessly saying that she would prefer to stop Brexit despite the majority of the people voting for Brexit and despite the majority of her constituents voting for it, has now squealed victim when she gets verbally abused while out in public.
To both of them: Tough! You brought it on yourselves with your inflammatory, condescending attitude. Suffer the consequences and suck it up. You started it!
Could be worse.... the army of proles could be storming Parliament.
We're not there yet, but...…..
Apparently MPs are calling this harassment a kind of fascism... but it wasn't Fascism when a remain supporter stood outside Parliament for weeks and interrupted Brexit supporting MPs and it wasn't Fascism when Jacob Rees-Mogg and his wife and children were harassed outside his house...
Nope, it's only fascism when Anna Soubry gets it in the neck. Not that ignoring or actively attempting to overturn a democratic vote by the British public is Fascist in any way, oh no....
About time too
Yeah, it’s been a pretty crap time so far but it’s improving. Well,
improving for me but not really improving for the rest of the UK. But first
– book stuf...
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