Like the one-trick pony he really is, on last night's This Week programme he blamed his harassment last Monday on thugs, racists, bigots the alt-right and the supposedly right-wing press
What right-wing press? The Daily Mail has gone to the left in recent times.
Of course what OJ is signalling that everything to the right of his viewpoint is far-right. Basically anyone that isn't a Marxist. Everything he says is framed from a far-left Marxist veiwpoint. Everyone that doesn't agree with him are far-right Fascist oppressors.
What he fails to understand is that the ordinary working class (the majority of us that are not rampant Communists) have sneeringly been called fascists and bigots and racists and far right for so long just for protecting our own interests that we don't give a shit any more.
We know who the real fascists are: those people that seek to close down debate, who dismiss us as irrelevant, those who seek to overturn the Brexit referendum, those that seek to use the Police to shut us up and make us disappear, those very people that label us as fascist.
They Really Don’t Like It Up ‘Em, Do They?
Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act *prohibits discrimination on the
basis of race, color and national origin* in federally assisted programs or
6 hours ago
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