Saturday 12 January 2019

UK Yellow Jackets: The Modern New Model Army?

Oliver Cromwell had the power to shake up Parliament and dethrone a King because he commanded an army that Parliament could not resist. An army that as always at that time consisted of the lower classes.

For the first time in my 50-odd years I can see such a citizen army forming and it isn't happy with Parliament.

The clamping down of free speech, deplatforming off the internet, the un-personing of anyone who dares to speak out against the status-quo.

These are all stirring up a citizen army, an army of people that feel unheard, ignored and disenfranchised. The strength of feeling for change is at last overwhelming the urge to vote on party lines. They are awakening to the fact that change will not happen unless they vote for something new.

All it needs is an Oliver Cromwell to catalyse that feeling...

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