The panic-buying phase seems to be without end at the moment... how much stuff can these people pack away? Lofts across the country must be groaning at the huge amount of baked bean tins stored up there.
Roof fires across the country will also be on the rise due to the amounts of toilet roll stored in lofts too.
It's crazy.
I've had to buy toilet roll for my daughters on two separate days now. The downside of having kids and running your life round them rather than scouring the shops for supplies.
Luckily there's a Tesco across the road from work and I can nip in first thing to get the stuff. But really, it opens at 7am and by 9am it's down to the last few bog roll options.... madness.
I see people are abusing shop staff when they get told they can't buy the shop out in one go. Almost always foreigners. The government may talk about the Dunkirk spirit, but a these days a large percentage of the country have no idea what Dunkirk or Blitz Spirit is, because they have no family history of suffering the privations of world war 2.
Anyhoo, I'm still at work despite government advice to the contrary. We don't have antiseptic hand gel, because we can't get any. Risk takers, ain't we?
Just had a blood pressure consultation this morning. It's way high because my stress response has been triggered. Not because of COVID-19, that I can handle. No, it's because my autistic son has been refused PIP payments.
The original fight to get him on DLA nearly cost me my sanity and left me with hypertension. I'm not looking forward to having another battle.
They never sleep, never rest
One thing you could never accuse the devil of is being lazy … the minions
never sleep, never rest, they’re in control of everything vital, not unlike
a can...
6 hours ago