Tuesday 20 August 2024

Labour: The Party of Communists and Crackpots. DO NOT VOTE FOR THEM!

 Well, what can I say about the Labour party other than what I've already said? 

Er, plenty. Kier goes to Ireland and calls them all a bunch of racists for not wanting Muslims in their country.

Are you shitting me Kier? Ireland, a country that up until 20 years ago was involved in some of the most brutal sectarian violence ever seen. And that was just between two factions of the same fucking religion, you absolute fucking moron Starner.

Of course they won't want the forced importation of a third religion, no more than they Catholics wanted the forced importation of Protestants.

They have form. Violent form. They have a history of getting a bit shooty and a bit bomby in order to protect their culture and religion.

I'm sorry, but the Labour party is done. I will not vote for them. Ever. 

If you are in Ireland, if you are in Scotland, if you are English Working class, you need to understand the Labour party is not FOR you, it is AGAINST you.

Either way, if you are a member of the groups above, vote Labour you are voting against your own interests. Why would you do that? Are you particularly thick or masochistic?

The Labour party is full of Communists and Crackpots. It is run by people that take orders not from the voters or the working class that they previously relied on. Instead they take orders from organisations outside the country and from groups that vote en bloc.  that at worst want Western Democracy to fail, to be replaced by some Communist authoritarian state, at best they don't care about the importation of Millions of Muslim immigrants that will end up in some Religious authoritarian state. 


Labour do not support the working class

(They would rather jail then=m than listen to their grievances. And when has Labour done anything for the working class in the past 30 years?)

Labour do not support pensioners.

(Otherwise why would they instantly abolish the heating allowance? Why are they now talking about raising the pension age and taxing pensions?)

Labour do not support Christians. 

(They rely on the Muslim block vote to win elections, so they will always side with the Muslims).

Labour to not support Democracy. 

(In a democracy you are free to protest, you are free to criticise the government, but no longer).

Labour do not support free speech

(Well, the evidence is people getting locked up for tweets or retweeting things someone else said. Crazy).

Labour do not support free political debate. 

(How can you criticise anything if the law makes causing offense a criminal act? Someone, somewhere will take offense).

Labour do not support freedom of assembly. 

(They are jailing protesters that were at protests peacefully, that did not commit any violence, just because someone else in the protest did).

Labour do not support the rights of workers

(otherwise why have zero hours contracts not been abolished as quickly as the heating allowance?)

Labour are racists.

(They hate the white working class with a venom that is clear to see in online posts).

Monday 19 August 2024

Is Islamophobia Real?

A Phobia is an "irrational fear" of something. 

For instance spiders, or crossing bridges. Given the inherent safety of bridges and the inability (in the UK) of spiders doing you serious harm, then you'd call those irrational fears.

Islamophobia refers to an irrational fear of Muslims. I don't fear all Muslims. I have Muslims in my family. 

I do however fear a certain type of Muslim, who has designs on taking over my country. That is not an irrational fear. It is very rational. I fear the UK being taken over by a group that will set women's rights back 200 years. A group that will end free speech. A group that will end religious freedom. Those are not irrational fears. Those are things that have happened in every single country that turned from Christian to Muslim. 

Those Muslims have already harnessed the Muslim block vote to influence UK politics. Now all political parties are in thrall to the Muslim requirements. To do otherwise is to commit political suicide.

Without the Muslim block vote you cannot win elections.

The main political parties are now in debt to the Muslims, in many ways. They have to side with the Muslims on everything.

I rationally fear for the future of my country. I have seen others subsumed by the Islamic ideology. Others too have a rational fear of Muslims and Islamic ideology in general. If it gains primacy in this country, then it will set the many rights and freedoms we have back centuries. 

Magna Carta? Gone.

Women's rights? In the dustbin.

Freedom of speech? Gone.

Religious Freedom? Ended.

Maybe those in power don't give a toss, maybe they think they have the money to move away when the shit hits the fan. Maybe they think they can buy power and influence. 

All I know is that the political class in this country have only one goal: winning at all costs. If that means they are in bed with the Muslims, it seems, so be it. If that means the country becomes less safe, less tolerant, less free, so be it. The goal is power. At all costs, including the lives of the majority.

Yeah, that's not an irrational fear.