It seems that emotional politics has begun to override factual politics.
By that I mean no longer are decisions made based on cold hard facts. It seems statistics (not the most accurate science) and emotions are now dominating the political arena.
Look at Black Lives Matter for instance. On the face of it a laudable statement. But hold on: the BLM movement are not dealing in facts. Otherwise the fact that more black people are killed by black people than any other ethnic group would be front and centre of their efforts.
BLM deal in emotions. They only surface when they can use a white on black crime to incite the black minority into action. On the back of which mainly white Antifa-types pile on and start trouble, causing riots.
Riots in the cities of American is now the new norm. Although I will qualify that: Riots in DEMOCRAT-RUN cities is the new norm.
The Democrat led city councils have sided so much with the rioters they have withdrawn any opposition to them. The Police have been withdrawn and now the Mayor of Portland has stood in solidarity with RIOTERS! You can't make it up. Well, you could, if you were writing some dystopian novel about how America descended into chaos and civil war...
But BLM is only one organisation that uses emotions and not fact to further it's agenda.
Extinction Rebellion are another clownworld outfit that deal in emotions instead of facts. They say the world will be dead in 12 years (why it's always 12 years I dunno, maybe because everyone is programmed to accept 10-year timeframes, but 12 years seems that bit closer but not quite close enough).
Greenpeace used to deal with straight science. But now they've jumped on the emotional bandwaggon.
All the pressure groups have changed tactics and moved from facts to emotions: BLM, Climate, Race LGBTQ+ issues, trans rights, it's all about victimhood or how those affected FEEL, rather than how they are directly and factually affected.
It's interesting to note though, that all of these organisations are left-leaning. They are also in the majority supported financially by the same people. The ultra-rich.
Their members are also in the majority middle-class young people, a minority telling the rest of the population how to live their lives through manipulation of pressure groups that largely outweigh the influence their membership would have under normal circumstances.
Back in the day they would have been crushed by the establishment, the Police would have gone in cracking heads and cleared them away from the streets. Now they are indulged, because the people that finance them also have influence in government.
There is a reason for this insanity. There has to be, because there is no other explanation.
The elite, the ultra-rich want these people to succeed. They want their agendas to be government policy.
So, look at all the various pressure groups. What is the common denominator?
Every single one of these organisations I have mentioned want people to be forced into certain behaviours. No pressure via the ballot box, no majority decision, these organisations use the media, protests and if necessary riots to put pressure on governments to adhere to their minority view.
It's subversion of the ballot box, it's subversion of democracy, it's totalitarian and authoritarian in it's goals. It is Fascism writ large.
"But we are far left" "But we are Communist", "we are socialist" these people cry. We cannot be Fascist because they are right of centre.
These people really need to understand history. Fascists come from both extremes of the political spectrum.
” I'm struggling to understand what has caused this…”
Sometimes you read something that just, well....
A former animal shelter worker who attempted to sell human toes coughed up
by the dog of a dead man has *...
8 hours ago