Newcastle has become the latest city to convict a gang of men for the abuse and rape of young girls.
The right will scream that this is a wholly Islamic problem and the left will scream to say that is racist because a tiny minority of those convicted are not Muslims, or point to the large number of Eastern European girls that are trafficked by Eastern European men as a way to avoid the "M" word.
What both side will tend to forget in the vitriol they hurl at each other are the victims: the young girls abused and sexually exploited by these men. The lives that have been ruined by the mental scars that will last long into adulthood.
They will also ignore that these men are paedophiles, pure and simple. Whatever their religion, skin colour, they are abusing and sexually exploiting under age girls.
What is salient is what is happening, quite often it seems that allows these men to carry out this systematic abuse town after town, city after city and continue without severe disruption. In the Newcastle case, the case could not be proved without evidence provided by an informer (paid £10,000, causing some controversy).
The problem is the communities that these men live in, where they can continue their illegal activities without risk of disclosure. Communities where it appears acceptable to abuse young girls and in particular young white girls.
I've said before I've lived in areas alongside these communities. Men are classed above women and Muslim women are deemed second class. Those same women are held in higher esteem than young white girls with loose morals, so in effect those girls are lower than second class. At best they are deemed third class or in extreme cases no better than animals.
I've seen it. Jokingly termed, the "throw away" pretty white girlfriend that Muslim guys have on their arm, cast off once mummy and daddy decide he should settle down and marry a nice Muslim girl. Despite the girlfriend's commitment to the relationship she's not deemed worthy, classless and not on the same level as a good chaste Muslim girl.
It's that sort of attitude, taken to a deeper level that allows the gangs to carry out these abhorrent acts time and time again without detection.
Why bring the Police in to get involved in their community, why should these men get into trouble over trashy white girls? The girls deserve all they get for being immoral, for being gullible, for falling for the men's lies. For becoming trapped in the web of drugs and sexual abuse, for being animals. They are not worth the trouble.
The same attitude decades ago that girls with loose morals were "asking for it" when they were raped, pervades the muslim religion. Women of good morals cover themselves from head to toe and to stop them tempting the poor weak men into bad ways. Only girls of loose morals dress prevocatively and because they are immoral they deserve anything they get.
Just how you change attitudes in a community led by a Religion that denigrates women and restricts their freedoms so much they have to dress head to toe in black, that sets their status as at the best second class, is beyond my comprehension. But until those attitudes change within those communities this problem will not go away.
Such attitudes allow so-called "honour killings", where the phrase is used to ameliorate what is murder. Cold. blodded. murder. In some instances in the most cruel way imaginable.
This is the problem with so-called multiculturalism. There's no problem with bringing certain aspects of culture with you when you come to the UK, as long as you understand there are some things we deem unnacceptable. Just like Saudi Arabia has a hard line on drinking alcohol, we should have a hard line on female inequality in the Muslim community.
It is not acceptable and the feminist community is surprisingly silent on the issue. It's not racist to promote female equality in a community where it is supressed. It's not racist to stand up for the standards that feminists have fought for for the past 100 years. To do so allows the slide back to the standards of the past.
Finally the Police need to be more aware of what is happening in these closed communities. When the far right state there are "no-go areas" in our town and cities, in essence they are right. There are communities in our country where the rule of law as you and me believe it do be do not operate. Sharia law is primary and UK law is secondary. There needs to be a drive to encourage more Police recruits from these communities and for those recruits through their superiors to develop the notion that behaviours that go against UK law will not be tollerated and that anyone that knowingly allows this to continue without informing the Police will also be subject to the full force of the law.
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