Thursday, 27 October 2022

The End of the Permissive Society

In Somerset this week, the Police in Somerset were called out. The helicopter and Police dog units were called out to apprehend a man.  

Was he a murderer? Was he a rapist? Had he stabbed someone?

Nope. In This report, the man was arrested for wearing a Gimp suit. The charge being causing distress to the community. I assume they will actually charge him for a public order offence. Can the Police be arrested and charged with causing me distress for the amount of money they wasted on finding this guy for his non-offence?

So now we can't walk down the street in a Gimp Suit without the Police getting involved. Now I thought we lived in a permissive society, that we could do anything we liked and as long as it didn't harm anyone, we are free to continue without interference from the Government or Police.

Well, this report dispels that myth then. 

Instead if Edna the curtain twitcher gets offended or a bit scared by some guy in a Gimp suit walking down the street then he can be arrested. 

I do muse about his choice of clothing. Maybe next time for Halloween he needs to dress up as a Drag Queen. That'll be a protected activity. Or maybe the LGBTQ+ mob need to add another G to their list.

I hope this Halloween that there will be a large number of Gimps on the street in solidarity with this chap. Let's stick two fingers up to the Police, let's get a Gimp Army on the streets. Maybe whole families of gimps: Mummies, Daddies and little gimps.

Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Rishi Sunak is Part of The Problem, Not the Solution.

Interesting viewpoint in this video. Some points I've not made, but they do align with my thoughts about the man.

We are in desperate times when the man who oversaw the start of the problem, failed to correct the problem is now elected on a platform to solve the problem.  If Labour had any nous, they would push this point home time and time again.

Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Vote for Who You Want, But We'll Still Get Our Man in Place.

As predicted the globalist Rishi Sunak was anointed leader of the Conservative party and Prime Minister by default. No contest.

So up yours Conservative Party members. Vote for Truss, get Sunak. By hook or by Crook.

Just like the Irish vote on the EU constitution, if you vote the "wrong" way (for them) they will engineer the means by which the correct result (for them) is in place.

Vote again, vote rigging, postal ballots: the whole Political system in this country is corrupt and broken.

Rishi has no mandate, has no legitimacy. He wasn't even voted in by party members. The definition of a stitch-up.

The globalist elites have their man in place. Expect the poor bashing to continue: Austerity 2.0 will happen.

Let's make no mistake this is a mess they created. This is not about Brexit. This is not about Putin. This is not about Covid.

This is decades of printing excess money and relying on cheap imported labour to keep wage costs down and cheap Chinese imports to keep inflation down. We have decades-worth of inflationary pressure to work through the system. 

The energy supply issue is compounded by successive governments going eco-loony and relying on gas to prop up renewable energy. Because gas-powered generation plants are the only ones able to quickly switch on and bolster the shortfall in renewable energy as the wind and sun wax and wane. 

There is no quick fix solution. This will be a long slog, make no doubt about it. 

And by the way Sangita Myska, when I say "globalist", I DON'T mean "Jewish". Rishi Sunak isn't Jewish, but he is a one-world government globalist. Jeremy Hunt is the same and is Grant Shapps. They are not Jewish as far as I'm aware. 

Finally, Klaus Schwab, the arch globalist in chief and head of the WEF is also not Jewish. 

Sangita, "Globalist" is not a euphemism. Do not confuse your own personal hangups with the truth.

Do not change words when that word is used to identify a latent threat against the poor. We will not be swayed in our targeting of the elites, the one-world globalists that think of us as fodder for their profit-making enterprises. Whether it's the meat grinder of war, or the meat grinder of industry, working for almost nothing and ending up in working poverty.. 

It's time for the poor of this country to push back. Not by voting for Labour, but by voting for a party untainted by the corruption that pervades Parliament.

We did it before. The reforms after the Victorian age brought in education and took the children and women out of the mines. We will not go back to those times, nor will we become serfs serving an elitist nobility.