Today's papers are full of the news that German industry has said it will put the single market before any deal with the UK regarding Brexit.
So what they are saying is they will put a political project before the livelihoods of their workers. They will jeopardise jobs for the sake of a political project.
Hopefully workers in France and Germany will wake up and realise that they are not as immune from the idiocy of the EU and that it does not work in their interest. Just as in Greece, Italy and Spain that the political project is primary: jobs, lives and the future of millions will be sacrificed all for the political project that is the European Union.
That my friends is why EU commissioners are not elected, why they create laws where they are immune from prosecution. They see themselves as Gods, above everyone and willing to sacrifice the lives of millions.They are not politicians in the true sense of the word. Their life is politics, but only for the furtherance of the EU. They do not work in the interests of their citizens which is why they are not elected. Otherwise they would be booted out in short order. To continue the juggernaut that is the EU, they have to be above that: unelected, untouchable, uncaring and (currently) unstoppable.
The warning signs were there long ago, but recently have been very much to the fore. Forcing countries to accept mass immigration, the financial shackles put on the Southern European countries and the imposition of technocrats... bringing Europe to the brink of war with Russia over the Ukraine, and now willing to risk the jobs of thousands of German and French car workers. Of course not those at the top, because if the EU imposes barriers to trading easily with the UK, then all we do is buy the same goods produced outside the EU. Cars are made all over the world. If we can get the same cars from plants manufactured in North or South America cheaper than EU-made cars, then that's what we will do. The car companies will still be paid, it's just the workers in the shrinking plants across the EU that will suffer.
And when the people in the North of Europe become to understand they are just as at risk as those in the South, that they are pawns to be sacrificed for the greater good, they will reject the EU just as we have.
They never sleep, never rest
One thing you could never accuse the devil of is being lazy … the minions
never sleep, never rest, they’re in control of everything vital, not unlike
a can...
1 hour ago