Monday 16 September 2024

Trump Shooters, Some Thoughts....

The first shooter was given a prime location, close to the President, a mere hundred yards away. The security was so lax it was pitiful and the shooter fucked it up, grazed the President's ear and shot the people behind him, killing one.

The second shooter was given a prime location, prior knowledge of Trump's location, a location easily accessed because the secret service only secured the immediate location of Trump, The shooter set up defensive screening with ceramic tiles (whether they would have made a difference is arguable), but he gave away his position by sticking a barrel if a rifle through a chain link fence. Spotted thankfully by the secret service on their forward sweep of the area.

So, given all the above, there seems to be at least the suspicion that people are being given knowledge of the President's whereabouts, knowledge of areas that provide a clear shot, motivation to get into position to make the shot and to take the shot when they have the opportunity.

Reading between the lines and looking at the evidence, it's hard to believe these are two random nutjobs.

Possibly the second actual nutjob is a smokescreen for the original planned operation to make it look like random nutjobs are taking pot-shots at Trump. 


The latest shooter appears to have flown from Hawaii to Florida, acquired a rifle that had the serial number filed off and drove to the place the President would be playing golf.


They Really Want Him Dead. Trump Assassination Attempt Number 2

So, yesterday there was yet another assassination attempt on Trump. It failed this time because the secret service were sort of on the ball and swept the area before Trump played that hole, but even then he was a matter of a few hundred yards away. I assume the shooter didn't have a clear shot and didn't have a clue about sniping, luckily. He left the barrel of his rifle out in plain sight. Something a professional shooter wouldn't do.

But I have to ask: what is motivating these people? What is causing people to have a pop at Trump? 

You have to ask if the Democrats are stoking up the tension by saying Trump is a threat to democracy, or he's going to become a dictator. Under those circumstances some lunatic lefty would see it as his or her duty to take out Trump, to keep democracy safe. 

The rhetoric has to stop, or be toned down. Trump isn't a threat to democracy, what he is a threat to are the corrupt legislators and judges that conspired together to try and bring him down before he could even become the nominee for President. 

I'm sure that when he becomes President, Trump will be going after those that abused process and the law to try and stop him and when that failed, bankrupt him and when that failed, spun him as some Fascist dictator that will lock the USA down tight. All he needs are a few targeted lawsuits that get to discovery and then all the emails and meetings to plot against him will become public knowledge.

That's as long as the people involved are alive to sue or criminally prosecute. The Democrats have a habit of  cleaning house in a most violent way. The body count is not insignificant.

I do wonder how exasperated the people organising these rifle-toting nutjobs are getting. All the expenditure of getting two useful idiots in the right place at the right time with the right guns and they still fuck it up. But maybe the plan is now to have a number of nutjobs lined up at various venues between now and November pointing guns at Trump in the hope that at least one is successful. Even if they're not, what's the betting that the Biden administration pulls the plug on the election because it's too dangerous for the nominees? What if they put a blanket ban on Assault rifles or long rifles of any kind just while the election happens, and then forget to undo the ban afterwards?

Thank the stars they're not employing professionals. Thanks the stars they can't employ professionals, because pros would know how to keep evidence and a trail of evidence in play just in case. They may even turn against the plotters. 

I do wonder how long the suspect will stay alive, given previous history. The interesting thing about this attempt as the assailant is alive, there seems to be a trail of evidence online showing him to have been radicalised against politicians (a nutjob), and he's a nutjob that got hold of a rifle (food for the anti-gun lobby).