The arrest and detention of certain high-level people in Sudi Arabia should set alarm bells ringing.
The players are aligning and it seems the target of their attention is Iran.
This could be the big one, a massive Middle East conflict, pitching Sunni against Shia.
Each side's proxies are already fighting in Yemen and I know that the Saudis do not tolerate trouble in their neighbourhood. The sactions against Qatar are a classic example of this. When Saudi "Policemen" crossed the causeway into neighbouring Bahrain to quell anti-government protests during the "Arab spring" , that's another example of the Saudi intollerance of any risk on their borders.
Yemen could well be the excuse for Saudi Arabia to move against the Shia side.
The downside is that if Saudi eventually wins, the extreme Wahhabbi version of Islam will become the predominant form.
You know, the sort that exports extremist imams to preach in the Mosques in the UK that they paid for.
If it does kick off and they win, it's not going to be pretty for the Middle East and the rest of the world as they crush Shias in their countries and promote extremist Islam in the rest of the world.
The intriguing part is Israel aligning with Saudi. Are they looking to the longer term where the world is pulled into a conflict against extremist Islam? Do they see that as a game plan to expand their territory in the Middle East by using the rest of the world to eventually crush the Arabs?
World governments should tread very carefully: the way things are aligned at the moment makes things very dangerous.
If the end result is Saudi moving in force into Yemen and crushing the Houthi rebels and it goes no further, the world should breathe a sigh of relief.
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