There was a resident from Grenfell tower on this morning's today program bemoaning the lack of response from the council in finding him alternative accommodation.
It really wound me up. The guy had been offered alternative accommodation, but refused it because it was only 2 bedroom instead of 3 bedroom and... get this... it was 15 minutes further away from Grenfell Tower and the local school etc.
Fuck Me! Only 15 minutes! I've had to take jobs in different fucking counties in order to make ends meet! My kid's school was 11 miles away from home because I lived in a small market town, with no help towards bus fare because all the kids went there. When I was out of work I had to sign on 15 miles away and wasn't paid bus fare to the job centre so was always £10 down on my benefits.
By the way, he's being accommodated in a hotel at the moment, he has a roof over his head. And I know even the shadiest hotel in London will not be cheap, because I've tried to book rooms before.
I just fucking pisses me off that people think they are entitled to an immediate response and put up in some ideal fucking home, all at the expense of the taxpayer.
Benefits are a safety net, they are not designed to give you the same level of lifestyle as someone who is working.
Social housing is there as a safety net to stop you being homeless. It will be basic, it may not fufil all your needs, but it is a roof over your head. It will not be something straight out of "Grand Designs".
If you have come to the UK from some foreign shithole, then I'd think you'd be grateful to receive anything where there are no bombs dropping, no armed militia killing your family members.
But no, it's up to the rest of us just managing low paid workers to pay fucking taxes and pay private rents so that you whinging fuckwits can DEMAND a fucking luxury pad in Kensington.
Good luck to you if you can wangle it, but allow me, who has lived a life and when needed been turned down for benefits and support and housing to have a fucking rant about how unfair your demands seem right now.
” I'm struggling to understand what has caused this…”
Sometimes you read something that just, well....
A former animal shelter worker who attempted to sell human toes coughed up
by the dog of a dead man has *...
6 hours ago